Fortunately, after my little fall yesterday, I'm complaining more about my current foot soreness than anything related to the fall.
Other than a couple of bruises in interesting places (the heel of my hand, the inner edge of the thumb on the opposite thumb), some random scratches/grazes and a couple of sore muscles, I'm pretty much unscathed when it comes to fall injuries. I managed to keep my leg fairly active last night, so I didn't even have any problems with my knee being stiff this morning.
But back to today...
I continued my Sunday Shopping and took myself off to Marion today, Penguin book bag in hand (well, over my shoulder, but you get the idea), items clearly in mind, objectives to achieve, an internal list to check off, that kind of thing...
I also wore my new baseball cap (due to not doing anything with my hair this morning)... no idea whether I looked like a tool or not, but it was fairly comfortable, even if it did make my head kinda hot...
As far as the whole purchasing thing goes, I did pretty damn well I have to say. Sure half of the stuff was for me (but most of that was clothes), I did get some Christmas stuff though (and some of it was actually for people other than Ma).
Oh dear me... quick sidebar. I just went through all of the stuff I've bought Ma for Christmas, made that list I've been threatening to make, and while the purchasing hasn't gotten completely out of hand, there were actually things in the Secret Present Bag (yeah, okay, it's a plastic Big W bag, shut up) that I'd forgotten were there... whoopsy. I think the appropriate phrase is "going to make out like a bandit". And I haven't even gotten around to putting her calendar together yet (photos chosen, yes... calendar retooled, no)...
And there's still just under two months left until Christmas... who knows what else I could buy in that time... scary...
I'm very easily distracted this afternoon, I just spent a bunch of time on the phone trying to track down a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit that came with a little (velveteen, obviously) rabbit... no such luck unfortunately, but I have copies of the book sans rabbit on hold at places up and down the Mall (okay, two places, but still), so I'll have to go and look at those tomorrow.
Anyway, today's shopping, where was I...
Oh yeah... I bought some other polo shirts, kinda like the one from last weekend, because that was surprisingly comfortable... although these are the solid colour kind not striped (actually I got two in solid colour... lime and amethyst, that's actually what it says on the tag, I kid you not... and found an duplicate of the pink striped one at a marked down price, so I bought that too). I also bought my Christmas underwear (what, it's a tradition thing... there has to be an entire new outfit at Christmas, and I like to treat myself with new undies), since Kmart had 25% off underwear... woohoo bargains! Actually I bought two pairs of Bonds trunks, one for Christmas and one just because, hello 25% off... actually they're not THAT dissimilar in colour from the two polo shirts... interesting...
What else... I got the Parky biography for Ma and a highly questionable "Christmas Dance Party" CD (two CD set actually)... but, c'mon, for $5, it's worth it just for shits and giggles when Ma and I put up the Christmas tree this year.
I also finally found the "right" fabric to involve in the wrapping of Ma's Mikado tickets... gorgeous Japanese style cotton fabric (and enough to do two big squares)... my only problem now is that it really needs a hem or an edge or something... and I really, really don't have the knowledge, tools or wherewithall to do it myself, and I'm not sure if there's some sort of "iron on hem" stuff (although I did think about edging it somehow in wide scarlet ribbon, which would probably look gorgeous, even if it's WAAAAAAY beyond my skills). Maybe I need to ask at my surly drycleaners... I know they do repairs and alterations, although they do kinda suck (not at the repairs, just at customer service)...
Other than that I did a whole lot of wandering around (which may have led to yet more thong (flip-flops, not the other kind) related blisters on the balls of my feet)... looked here, there and everywhere for more toy soldiers (no luck), and generally just started to feel a little like a pack mule with all the things I was stuffing into the book bag (I did draw the line at the polo shirts, since I scammed the coat hangers for them too, and they were a little too unweildy for the shoulder bag).
My final stop was Myer to get this red Chinese girl statue thing for my cousin that Ma and I saw yesterday in town... but when I got there they were on a couple of tables with a "buy two or more and get 20% off" sign on them, so I had to call Ma to go "well what the hell do I do now?" (actually I think I called Ma a bunch of times for various reasons today... ideas and presents and strategy, that kind of thing)... in the end I also bought a Salt & Pepper "Angel Piggy Bank" (as in an angel piggy, not a piggy bank that's angel shaped), no idea who the hell it's for, but it was pretty damn cute (sadly I have no room for it).
It was around that point that I REALLY started feeling like a pack mule, because I put the (fairly heavy) Chinese girl thing in my shoulder bag (I felt like she'd be safer that way)... but I can still feel the pull on my shoulder from the weight of it all.
Maybe that's why my head is all over the place now... I blocked off some of the blood supplying my brain or something...
I didn't even get to come straight home after I was done (although I didn't have to carry everything around anymore)... I stopped off at a second Kmart store (which is where the duplicate pink polo came from) and Officeworks to look at external hard drives for Ma (which were all either overpriced, ugly, had less capacity than others of a similar price, or somethings all three).
And it's back to work tomorrow... can I get an extra day or something please... I think I need a day off to recover from my weekend...
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