
movies: another gay sequel: gays gone wild

another gay sequel: gays gone wild!Okay, this is officially Movie Review #100.

Funny really, it turns out that after seeing the last 99 movies with Ma (I'm pretty sure anyway), the big 100 is a movie I go and see on my own...

It's not very often that a sequel is possibly better than the original movie. Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild! could very well be one of those times when it is. Or if not better than at least as good.

Actually going to the theatre and seeing the movie with a bunch of queens (and I don't use the term casually... that was some serious old school diva territory) is probably a whole other post for a whole other time, but I will just say that if you're coming to sit in an almost completely empty row of seats (and certainly empty from the direction you approached it), please, by all that's holy and for the love of Benji... DON'T SIT RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Fuck off and leave a seat between us, yes? Fuckin dizzy old queens...

I'm also not going to comment too much on the dopey queen with the hideous braying laugh who thought he was a comedy riot, other than to comment that he just had to be sitting in the row behind me didn't he...

But back to the movie...

Although when is a movie not a movie... I think that they were actually showing a DVD copy of the movie... it projected onto the big screen okay, but the whole DVD thing seemed a little strange, but maybe it makes sense given that it's a small "boutique" movie theatre. I dunno...


What do you do when you want to make a sequel, but only one of your stars (who also happens to be Executive Producer on both movies) is willing to come back... well, you open your movie with a dream sequence which "kills off" the original characters and then stage a Wizard of Oz "I had a dream, and you were there, and you, and you" moment before pointing out directly to the audience that three out of your four main characters are being played by different actors. Very amusing and effective.

And since the "new" Andy, played by Jake Mosser, was so damn hot (mmmm strawberry blonde) I didn't really mind what they did with everybody else.

Actually there was a fair degree of hotness going on... Jake, Aaron Michael Davies (okay, not AS cute as the original Griff, but once he switched over from glasses to "contacts" he kinda grew on me), Euriamis Losada (I don't know how much of his accent was "put on" but it kinda made him cuter), former US Big Brother contestant Will Wikle (yeah, I had no idea either until I came home and looked him up online) as the blonde Jasper, Isaac Webster (actually if I'm being honest all the Jaspers were hot, but Isaac was probably my favourite), just to name a few.

But if I'm going to mention the hotness and the cuteness in this movie I have to stop for a minute to properly geek out...

I went to see this movie partially because of Brent Corrigan... I'd read all about his part in the movie on his blog, I'd seen the pictures of him in the merman tail (hello, hot!), so I will say that it was definitely a contributing factor to getting me to go and see this movie.


Like possibly the maximum amount of adorable that it's possible for a human person to be without spontaneously becoming a teddy bear or some sort of anime character or something. Never mind that his part in the movie isn't that big (I know... there are jokes there, but I'm leaving them alone) and that probably about half of his scenes are spent up to his neck in water... but I'd never heard him speak before (well, not really), let alone seen him act. He is just too fucking cute. And sexy. And actually a pretty good actor... he certainly held his own in his scenes. But I was probably a little bit biased, because, you know... sooooooo fucking adorable.

*bounces up and down and has a dorky fanboy moment*


Getting back to the movie, it was actually really, really funny. Like the first one, it's a gay take off of that kind of "gross out" movie (think American Pie... although this one had a little bit of "The Brady Bunch Goes To Hawaii" thrown in), and yes, at times it does cross the gross out line and go wading around on the wrong side of it... occasionally for a little too long... although I have to say that nothing particularly grossed me out (although the same can't be said for the rest of the easily shocked queens in the audience). I did however laugh a lot. Like, A LOT. Which is sometimes rare for me in movies... I'll chuckle, but I don't usually end up doing the big belly laugh thing. But whether it was because I was seeing it with an audience and feeding off the collective vibe or not, I don't know... I did find that large portions of the movie were very funny though. And large portions of it were also quite sweet.

It was also nice to see that aforementioned Executive Producer, Jonah Blechman, got himself a better storyline this time around, or at least the character got some more depth... yes, he's still a (to use the character's own phrase) "fembot", but I liked him more in this movie than the original.

And speaking of people I liked more in this movie than I have previously... I'm not a fan of Perez Hilton... I'm just not. But he was actually fairly amusing in the movie... and thankfully they kept him covered up for most of it (shame about the neon yellow hair of course). He also does a song during the closing credits that was also pretty damn funny.

Like the first movie, I think a fair amount of the set decoration actually came from Ikea... I recognised a seahorse lamp this time around, but I'm sure there was probably a bunch of stuff... actually I found myself noticing a few seahorse elements around the boys hotel room... damn Ma and her seahorse infatuation...

But on the topic of the "product placement"... this movie is probably only second to The Island (Movie Review #3) when it comes to product placement. Seriously, almost every single pair of underwear or swimwear was by AussieBum (certainly anything with a visible brand on it), all the lube was a specific brand rather than just being "lube", various websites were mentioned more than once and there was a whole segment in the credits for "Official" products (Brent Corrigan was their "Official Porn Star"... bless) and like most of the movie, not a damn bit of it was subtle. Which I guess it was never meant to be... they obviously went to all these "gay" companies and said "you give us money and/or products and we'll make SURE you get noticed in our movie", and that's pretty much what happened. It was all done with a nod and a wink too, which just made it funny most of the time.

Now all I have to do is hunt it down on DVD...

yani's rating: 4 Jaspers out of 5


Bodhi said...

Aaack! This movie is out already? I'm gonna have the grab the Fag Hag (daughter) and get to a cinema as soon as possible. I lurved the first movie: seen it a gazillion times on DVD.

And sweetie, just for the record, this old queen would have left an empty seat between us. M'kay But with you no doubt looking so adorable, replete with mo et all, I may have been tempted to give a few casual glances. But nothing creepy you understand ...

Bodhi ;-)

yani said...

LOL, yep, it's very much out (sorry, couldn't resist).

I suggest you get yourself down to The Bookshop on Oxford Street, they already have the DVD (I just ordered it... couldn't resist that either).

And I wouldn't have expected any less from you Bodhi, either in the movie seat etiquette or casual glance department ;) You obviously now how to behave in civilised society... well, society anyway :P