
photo friday: mo tiki

benzo mo tikiI shot this a couple of weeks back, on the same trip as last week's Photo Friday... obviously, this is the work of Benzo... but I thought this one was particularly appropriate just at present, it being the end of Movember and all...

Speaking of which, I'll probably expand on this more on Sunday... but damn I'm glad it's nearly the end of this whole mo growing experiment... it will just be good to be shaved again (and suddenly I realise how that sounds, but you know what I mean).

Work continues to be frustrating, chaotic, confusing and confronting... and I'm loving every single damn minute of it. As I got told today I have a habit of picking that one tiny thing about a project or (in this case) an email and there being the tiniest bit of validity to what I'm saying... hehehe... I'm both frustrating and right... I love that.

I also had a slightly inappropriate conversation with one of the guys from a different unit in the bathroom... well, if you're going to have an inappropriate conversation, that's probably the place to have it. Ever since I first met this guy I've felt like I've met him before or encountered him out in the world somewhere. I'd kind of assumed that he was one of The Gays... he's not stereotypical, but there's something about him that made me wonder. So I asked him... turns out, not so much (thankfully he wasn't offended that I asked, which is good). But at least I know now... hehe...

I headed over to the Central Market at lunchtime, and about halfway there I got a call from Stu, asking what I was doing for lunch... so of course I ended up having yum cha with him...

This weekend is going to be fairly out of the ordinary... I'm flying solo for Shopping Adventures, because Sunday I'm heading up to Ma's to partake in the Annual Swearing At The Christmas Tree. So that should be... eventful...

Other than that everything continues on pretty much as normal...

Current Mood:

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