
movember: it begins

movember day oneThere we go... proof I didn't, to quote Tom, "get a head start" on Movember... *grin*

I'm not exactly Hairy McHirsute, so it'll be interesting to see how long it takes before something reasonable develops...

But, hello, how unflattering is extremely close-up photography?

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

At least we get to see part of your face and the development.

James said...

Have you given much thought to the style of your mo, or is it a case of "let's see what happens"?

yani said...

It's more "let's see what sort of sorry-ass mo I can actually grow and we'll worry about styling, if any, later"... ;)

Tom said...

He'll be growing a Ho'Mo of course. :P

yani said...

Oh that's so bad Tom.... so bad in fact that I think it might have come all the way around to being funny again... well, a little bit funny...

The Mutant said...

Who said that close-up photography is unflattering... It certainly works for you, and is really doing it for me! Good luck with your mo-grow, what you've got there looks better than what I can manage after about three weeks so well done! Keep up the good work.

yani said...

Damn you're good for my ego Kez ;)