
i am really really not spam

safe zoneIt's been just over a week since I got the "Your blog has been identified as potential spam" email from Blogger...

I happened to notice earlier tonight that the word verification thing at the bottom of my posts had disappeared, and the message about deletion vanished from the Dashboard...

So, naturally, I figured I probably had an email saying "whoops, sorry, you're not spam, you're not going to be deleted, it's all good now"...

Obviously that was too much to ask, no emails, no messages, no nothing...

Way to go with the whole Customer Service thing Blogger, nice work.

I can only hope that this means that I'm all good now and my blog isn't going to spontaneously disappear in another couple of weeks. I actually found myself perusing WordPress at work this morning, you know, just in case everything looked like it was going to go pear shaped and I had to try and save the blog...

(And I can already hear you going on about the virtues of WordPress Tom, so shut up already)

But it looks like I'm back in the game... woohoo...

Current Mood:


Tom said...


Sunshine said...

Well, technically, we aren't exactly paying "customers". So I guess they don't really have to care too much about customer service...

yani said...

Awww Tom, you know I'm very fond of you really! :)

And that's where I'd disagree with you Sunshine... we might not be "paying", but we're their "core business"... all it took was a small thing (which potentially could have turned into a big thing) to shake my confidence enough to look at taking my business elsewhere... that's not good for them. But then, what do I know...