Man, what a filthy, filthy, filthy day today has been...
I woke up around 4am and my apartment was really muggy and warm and horrible, so I put the fan on and went back to bed. When I got up I felt really crappy, it was still muggy and warm. Went for my walk, muggy and warm with added cloud and got raped and pillaged by an army of flies (don't bug me, go bug the annoying Boot Campers!), developed a headache you could grate cheese with (I have no idea what that means, it just sounds cool) and just generally felt blerk. Not even two Neurofen and an Iced Coffee really helped, I felt blerk for pretty much the whole day. More throat than head as the day wore on, but blerk nevertheless...
So blerk in fact that I ended up taking off pretty much all my jewellery at work because it just felt very heavy and constricting...
And now I feel absolutely RATSHIT! Blocked nose, funny head, just all around blerk...
Work was kind of exciting but also unaccountably dull... exciting because WOOHOO finished (plus I got to leave a little early because I was SO done)... but dull because there really wasn't THAT much stuff to do other than chase up loose ends, delete various emails and documents that I wasn't going to need anymore, finally throw away the nearly two reams of scrap paper I've been accumulating (I never throw any print outs away when I'm working on a website... as soon as you do something will happen and you'll need the printed version) and get everything organised for a "handover".
I took my desk apart (not literally) in stages... I'd already put a couple of things I wasn't going to be using in a little box ready to take down to The Nut House when I left, so I kind of added to it as I went along throughout the day until the only thing left was my little Maneki Neko. Now everything is sitting inside one of the cupboards in The Nut House waiting for me on Monday.
And I think one of the flies that had been bugging me all morning followed me into work, because there was this one fly that was buzzing around the office all day. I nearly squished it too, but it escaped... grrr...
I tried the whole "sublimation through shopping" thing at lunch, which kind of worked... I got one of those Scented Space things for Ma... "Botanical" which is quite nice... a little watermelony... then I stopped off at Raw to pick something up for Ma to give somebody and picked up a Baby Buddha (Peace) figure... all cute and magenta... haven't decided if that's a "home" thing or a "work" thing yet... it does go very nicely with my Maneki Neko though... similar pose... and for now it's in the box at work with all my other stuff.
Then I went and had junk food for lunch. Actually I've been really bad this week... I mean I started okay, Monday I had a turkey bagette, Tuesday was Melbourne Cup so we had Subway delivered, but since then, crap, crap and more crap.
I did see my first fellow Movember participant while I was waiting in line though... at least I assume he was a Movemberer... his mo just looked so much more developed than mine... *sulk*
And suddenly, for no apparent reason, the fact that I move between groups/floors in the same building confuses my agency people... stoopid agency people. The Ginger Ninja said she'd spoken to Boy Wonder at the agency, I rang and spoke to Boy Wonder after lunch and while he did know about it he was a tiny bit confused. Really, what's so confusing... I'm working for the same company, just on Floor X instead of Floor Y... simple! It all got sorted in the end, and Boy Wonder sent me an email this afternoon with all the details and job number on it... to at least it hasn't taken three weeks to get hold of that... but it was a bit of a trial.
Plus, I still feel like ratshit...
Current Mood:

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