There are now only two working days to go before I get to run screaming in the general direction of away from where I'm currently working with and then I run screaming back into the dysfunctional bosom of The Nut House (as I think we'll call my old, and soon to be current, crew from now on).
I can't bloody wait!
I will say that this last week has felt more productive so far (well, maybe not today), even if it probably hasn't been the most productive as far as the whole stay is concerned.
However I'm still working on a bunch of the things that I should have done A MONTH AGO! Through no fault of my own either. And some of the things that I would have done if they'd actually been organised when I first got here have now had to fall by the wayside (of course, if it had all run like clockwork then I wouldn't have been working for so long and I wouldn't have all this lovely money)...
Somehow though I get the feeling I may very well be working my ass off for the next two days (especially Friday), I mean I could be wrong, especially after the "website assessment" meeting I was supposed to have with Boss Lady and Junior Boss Manchild this afternoon (except JBCM had to leave early, so it was just me and BL), we didn't really cover that much new stuff, but with any luck JBMC will actually do the stuff he's been supposed to be doing for the last week and a half and I can wrap things up. Like I said though, there has been a degree of goofing off today... but that was mostly because I was waiting for the meeting so I'd know where we were at...
Ahhh... the US Election... source of today's goofing off... and woohoo, President Obama!
I've had a variety of those live polling websites for the US election open in the background once the results started rolling in (first the one on The Advertiser website, then I tried the one on Fox News, but that stopped working properly after I came back from lunch so I switched to CNN), just to get a sense of which was the wind was blowing... and of course at the exact moment that the election was called in President Obama's favour I was trying to work out why a cordless mouse wasn't working in the conference room (turns out it hadn't been charged up). Typical!
Sadly it doesn't look like Prop 8, the gay marriage ban in California is doing so well...
It's kind of odd that compared with the 2004 election, I'm a lot better informed on the whole Presidential Election thing this time around... well, I guess it's not really that odd, except for the fact that its completely thanks to The West Wing. I'm serious... almost everything I know about this whole box and dice I know because of Martin Sheen, Jimmy Smits, Alan Alda and Bradley Whitford...
In Christmas present related news, I managed to quite easily and somewhat accidentally solve the mystery of how to hem that pretty Japanese-style fabric I bought on Sunday... I mentioned it in passing to a couple of the women I've been working with, not in a "please help me" way (although I had thought about asking one of the other women who works nearby, only I don't really know her all that well, so I felt a little weird about it), but in a "telling a story" way... and the motherly one (you know the type, there's at least one in just about every office, I think Ma is it in her office) offered to hem it for me.
I did feel a little weird about giving her the fabric yesterday, not wanting to impose and all that, but I got over that eventually (since I didn't know what I was going to do otherwise) and she gave me back the two hemmed squares this morning. Woohoo! Granted it's not completely perfect... but I'm very much NOT complaining, because I didn't have to pay for it and I didn't have to futz about with either trying to sew it myself or getting involved in the mysteries of things that iron on.
However I struck out as far as getting a Bento box from the Toyko place at the Markets. I went in and asked the shop girly if they had any that were just one level (because on Friday she or somebody like her said that they were getting new ones in)... alas, no such luck (they did have some examples of the fabric wrapping in the window, and it looks really nice... might just need a ribbon or something too). So I called up Ikeguchi and asked them to put the one I saw there away for me until Friday. Now I'm just not sure that the box, which is 19cm by 19cm, won't actually fit a DVD inside it (particularly one wrapped in fabric), because then I'll have to come up with some other Secret Squirrel plan. Of course I can always just not buy it. Gah... the stress of being overly sneaky and creative with Christmas gifts... it's a curse I tells ya!
Speaking of mysteries (yeah, I was, honest... about a paragraph back)... how is it that weirdness knows where I live and why does it always come to visit my house? Ma picked me up from work yesterday (because, you know, Movie Night) and when we got back to my place there was this ragtag rabble of people loitering outside my apartment. Not just loitering, but loitering with a boom mike (and the boom mike operator was actually perched on top of the letterboxes, kinda cute too), a video camera and somebody pretending (at least I hope she was pretending) to be a bag lady. I have NO idea who the hell they were, but they looked very much like some sort of low rent film school. Who knows, maybe they were making an African immigrant on Bag Lady porno... weird...
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