
feast: adventures of butt boy and tigger

adventures of butt boy and tiggerThus endeth my Feast Adventures... not with a whimper, but with a big ol' bang and the play with the title I just couldn't go past... Adventures of Butt Boy and Tigger...
Adventures of Butt Boy and Tigger is an outrageously raunchy rollercoaster ride through the world of online chatting, where lines between fantasy and reality become blurred and things get out of hand in more ways than one!

Two boys leap from one, over-the-top, underpants-bursting, pornographic adventure, to the next, until one asks the unthinkable... "Can we meet?"
And how can you refuse a play that was "winner of The Scotsman's 2008 'Filthiest Sex Scene Not Involving Nudity' Award"... (not exactly sure which scene that would have been either... there were so many choices!)

A bit like last weeks' Blowing Whistles, Butt Boy and Tigger (I just can't repeat that name enough!) starts off with big, big, big (huge, massive, enormous) laughs and then finds it's heart towards the end and the final scene very, very, very nearly made me cry... damn my easily swayed emotions! Unlike last week I scored myself a seat (as I said I would) in the very front row... not where I really wanted to sit because the whole right side of the front row had reserved signs on it, but the front row nonetheless (and I'm not even go into why it is that old people have felt the need to sit next to me at every single one of these Feast activities)...

Getting back to the play...

It's a short one, just over an hour (so no interval obviously) and it's broken up into these little vignettes... five or six in all I guess... and as you would expect in a play about online chatting and fantasy sex, there wasn't much in the way of set dressing. Two chairs, two stunted mutant ironing board type tables (I dunno, it was the first thought that occurred to me when I saw them), two computer keyboards with the cords sawn off... and that was it. Everything else was done with words and a little bit of sound and, very briefly, a smoke machine. And you know what... it totally and completely worked. You start imagining, or I guess fantasising along with Butt Boy and Tigger and it doesn't matter that there is nothing on stage but them (and the aforementioned chairs, etc) or that they never remove or change and article of clothing for the whole play.

I was kind of surprised to be honest that the two actors weren't dressed like they are in the poster... I know that seems a little odd (and probably very, very weird watching somebody do an imaginary fantasy sex scene on stage in a Tigger hood), but for some reason I think it could have worked. But no, they were just dressed like regular dudes (although given how HOT it gets under those lights and in that theatre particularly, and how sweaty they ended up, you would have thought that they wouldn't have been wearing long sleeves, and Butt Boy wouldn't have been wearing layers... but I notice these things because I'm weird)...

And now that we're on the subject of the actors... they were very, very good... Felix Allsop played Tigger (aka Matt) and Angus Brown played the amusingly nicknamed Butt Boy (aka Jamie). They were both exceptionally good... Angus has the whole "shy, nerdy, naive" thing down, where as Felix was just monumentally naughty... I can't think of a better word for it (and his character does get called that at one point)... naughty, funny and incredibly sexy... which is always a good combination.

Plus there were accents... I didn't know there were going to be accents... from Angus's slightly odd lisping World War I soldier to Felix's very realistic and sexy sounding peasant stableboy... strange, but pretty flawless overall.

On a brief tangent for a moment... neither of the actors were exceptionally tall, but Felix is this pint-sized little dynamo... kind of like a pocket-sized Hugh Jackman... (seriously, I know Hugh isn't that tall anyway, but Felix has a SERIOUS Jackman thing going on... but all compacted and very solid looking... I think it's partially the beard he has happening now, because he's not so Jackmaneske in either the poster, Tigger hood notwithstanding, or the program).

Can you tell which of the two actors I was having something of a crush on... yep, Felix. And he looked right at me at one point, actually I think he was delivering a line (I have no idea what it was now though) at that particular chair and I just happened to be in it... but there's something about having somebody on stage look right at you...

Like I said though, Angus was really good as well...

The only downside of the night was that unlike last week I couldn't find a park anywhere nearby, so I ended up throwing in the towel and just parking in a permit zone... of course that meant I came back to a $33 ticket on my car (which I pretty much expected, so it wasn't that bad).

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