Not as bad as I felt last night, when I was all shivery and cold as well as being overheated at the same time, but let's just say that I'm not at the top of my game... and like the last time I was majorly sick, my ears have gone into that over-sensitive thing. Much less fun...
But Sickie Boy or not, we actually managed to have a fairly decent shopping day today... reasonably low key, but productive...
Supermarket Safari went along as usual, then we had some time to kill before Red Circle opened, so we had a chance to just wander aimlessly around in the supermarkets across the street... found a few cute little things for junior wee family members (and I bought Ma a plush snowman... it's all flippy floppy and very cute), then a quick tour around RC (hello discount DVDs) before heading back here for the Ritual Unpacking.
We decided that because today was the Christmas Pageant we should avoid town like the plague, and since we'd done various other places a lot of late, we decided to go down to Harbour Town and Ikea and see what we could see...
As always, Harbour Town was something of a waste of time. Ma did get some decent shoes, and we about a few bits and pieces for my cousin's girls... oh and the Fireman calendar for one of the women at Second Christmas (which should be amusing)... and other than a large amount of "looking at stuff", that was about it.
Ikea seemed more productive though... I finally bought my green quilt cover. I've actually been drooling over this particular design for a while, but I kinda thought that the material would be a bit crap, so I'd been putting it off. But since I can't find a decent quilt cover in either blue or green ANYWHERE, I figure that a halfway decent one is better than nothing (although can somebody explain to me why Ikea has quilt covers in beautiful strong colours, but all of their fitted sheets and pillow cases are in washed out crappy tones that don't go with ANYTHING???).
And as always with Ikea we ended up buying a whole bunch of stuff we probably didn't really need, but it was all pretty and shiny and was just lying there being all Swedish at us. Unfortunately the bed I liked is now gone *sulk*... but there was a really nice red chair I think I'm going to have to get.
On the way home we stopped off at this "Christmas Superstore"... not so super really. They did have a GORGEOUS full sized toy soldier by the door... and he was for sale... but sadly I don't have a spare $900.
So now we're just that little bit closer to having all our Christmas shopping done. I'm sure it won't work out and there will be a last minute scramble, there always is... but it's looking promising.
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