
capitalism rocks

crumplerOooooooh... shopping is good...

Although I didn't particularly end the day well... as I was walking away from the car after saying goodbye to Ma I tripped (over nothing) and fell in some sort of weird slow motion ("I'm falling, no maybe not, no really I am, maybe not, oh crap, SPLAT"... like that).

I scraped the heels of my hands, I scraped all down my right forearm (not badly in either case, but enough that I have pink marks currently and the promise of some sort of bruising) and I fell on one knee... yep, you guessed it... THAT knee.

No, I didn't dislocate it or anything (THANK THE GODS), but I did bang it right on the side of the kneecap and it feels "twitchier" than it's felt in a long while. And I'm certain I'm going to have a bruise tomorrow... but mostly I just felt like a complete and total twat for falling down after tripping over NOTHING, especially since my jeans ended up COVERED in dusty dirt. Grrrrr...

Doubly annoying because up until then I'd been having a very good and fairly productive day.

All the Supermarket Antics were about the same as usual (where I bought some Heinz Big Red Tomato Sauce because it was a special Movember edition, even though I didn't particularly need sauce... sad but true), but when we went into the Red Circle Boutique I actually managed to find a halfway decent hat... two hats in fact. One is a grey trilby style thing that doesn't look too bad (and I can wear it at work for Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday) and the other one is a cute little brown baseball cap with orange bits which was marked down to under $4, and then I got the storewide 15% off both of them. Bargain!

Then it was off into town to workshop Christmas presents (again, still, some more) and visit the Crumpler shop.

On the upside, the visit to the Crumpler store was a success... oh, and I managed to find a cute little wooden toy soldier/drummer ornament. But we really didn't get very much further forward with the Christmas present ideas. And the people who are the hardest to buy for are the people that we never see EXCEPT at Christmas and who we probably aren't really bothered about that much anyway. It's all a big headfuck really...

However I did come up with a good idea for the new baby of indeterminate gender that my other, older cousin has had... a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit (interestingly the whole book plus illustrations is online). I loved it when I was little, and it would be nice to be able to pass it on to a new generation.

I did workshop a few more things for Ma (yeah, because that's not going to get out of hand any time soon), but I think I need to make a decision about which of the 32,000 things that seem to have crept onto the list I'm actually going to consider... and it's made worse by the fact that she doesn't know she's getting Mikado tickets. Decisions have to be made though... I might attempt a list later on.

I'm still no closer to working out what I want to do about the couple of extra presents I need to get either... bah... bloody Christmas...

Oh, and they were giving away V in the Mall again, and we ended up with a truckload of it because the girly gave Ma three cans (bitch only gave me two... *grump*)... woohoo free V...

Our last stop in town was the Crumpler store... and as the image up the top illustrates, after far too much umming and ahhhing and indecision I decided on the Barney Rustle (I'd half decided on it during the week, but I wasn't completely sure)... it's going to take some getting used to though, because you wear it on the opposite shoulder from the way I'm used to wearing my bags... weird. And it came in a big Crumpler paper bag (like the one I saw Friday), and she gave me a red Crumpler Man sticker (not sure where that's going) and a little, little, little, little, little (like this thing is maybe 5cm long, if that) box of Crumpler matches. So CUTE!

Although there must be something about me spending large sums of money on things that I don't necessarily need to have bought... because when I bought the kite I blew out my knee... and today after the Crumpler, I very nearly did it again. Weird...

I haven't hit Buyer's Remorse yet though, I think that will come the week after next when I start using it. It's pretty unavoidable, but hopefully it won't last long.

After that we headed over to Freedom (on the other side of the city) because I'd spotted a few things in the catalogue that were kind of interesting and might have been good for Christmas presents. We did buy some stuff... and maybe half of it was present related, which is at least a start...

Then we headed down to Arndale... for what reason I don't actually remember... it must have been more than just wanting to get one of those big Nutcrackers... oh, that's right... Futurama calendar (for me... Hi, my name's yani, I have a calendar addiction)... and Ma managed to get the whole first season of The West Wing for her bestest galpal for $6 (annoying when I paid about $35, but this is all in seperate cases) at EzyDVD.

One of the major downsides to Arndale (other than the high degree of just skanky people that shop there) is that there really isn't anywhere decent eatery-wise... we went around and around and around and around trying to decide and even after we did (that was after I threw a minor hissyfit and wasn't going to eat at all) I kind of wished I hadn't had what I had... grrrrr...

And then we came back here and I fell down and went boom...

Now I'm a little bruised, fairly sore, somewhat nervous and mostly annoyed. There go whatever vague plans I had in mind for the evening (not that I really had anything in mind, nothing firm anyway)... probably...

Current Mood:

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