
grand shopping trip

grand shopping tripWhooshka... it's been a big long day...

Four shopping centres, a trip to the movies, dinner... big, big, big long day... and a day of questionable weather... it's been hot, but cloudy, hence a touch muggy... but on the upside, we've spent most of it in air-conditioned indoorness...

Ma came down nice and early as per usual, and we went off on our regular Supermarket Safari (that would be Shopping Centre #1)... all without the aid of a list, because I was too slack to actually write one...

The safari ended kinda early... we were back at my place by about 9:30 or so... and full of all kinds of wonderful indecision about what to do with the remainder of the day.

We ended up going down to Marion (Shopping Centre #2) because I wanted to have a look for pink shirts and hats and reindeer and a possible decision about Christmas presents (since there's now officially two months until Christmas)...

One out of four isn't bad... no, actually it is bad, it's very bad (okay, technically it was two out of four, but the two wasn't the two I was actually looking for).

So, oddly, it was only the reindeer that I decided on (it's all perspex with bells and metal bits and I'll probably photograph it closer to Christmas... plus all of Myer's table top decorations were 30% off, so, hello... big fat bargain!). Although I do now have a bunch of possible ideas for things for Ma for Christmas... you know, in addition to all the stuff I've already bought her.

So, note to self... Parkinson biography and one of those tabletop water fountain things if we can actually find one she likes... ummmm... Oh, and maybe the Grand Designs DVD (although that might be a "sharing" present). And I knew that I'd seen a black lacquer box somewhere... the Oxfam Shop, they have one with goldfish on it... not quite what I was after, but maybe as a fallback position.

I also found some groovy teeshirts in appropriate sizes elsewhere... only got two out of the four that I originally picked out though. I'm sure I've complained about this before, but I want to know why the hell two shirts made by the exact same company in the exact same size can fit completely differently... grrrr...

Anyway, I now have a choice between a Transformers teeshirt and a random purple teeshirt to wear on Christmas Day.

I will also say that any "3 for $20" offer at EzyDVD is just evil... especially when we could only find two decent titles... *sigh*... we did eventually make up the three, but it was touch and go for a while there... yeah, I know, abuse of sarcasm right there...

Part of the plan for the day was finding me a pink top for Monday... yes, I didn't actually need to go out and buy something new for Pink Ribbon Casual Day on Monday, but I'd seen some cheap, yet okay looking polo shirts a few weeks ago, so it was worth a try. But you know that feeling when they have every single possible size but yours? Yeah, colour me less impressed... and not even in pink...

So we wandered around everywhere, ended up mostly buying stuff for ourselves again, then sat down to have a drink and a look at Ma's Christmas List. It wasn't an overly productive look though... she doesn't really have that many people on her list, but the majority of them are people we don't see that much during the year, just at Christmas (okay, that's a slight stretch, but not by much), so it all comes down to "I'll know what to get them when I see it"... not helpful really...

After much wandering around we called it a day, but took a semi-detour (I say "semi" because it's on the way home, but we wouldn't normally have stopped there) to another Kmart (Shopping Centre #3) to check on whether they had Le Pink Polo. Solid pink, no... a nice pink and while stripe, sure. I'm not completely sure about the colour, but it's not that bad.

Then we stopped off here briefly, before heading down to Arndale (Shopping Centre #4), although that was mostly to go to the movies (Eagle Eye... more on that shortly). But we did do a quick tour around, and I picked up a small Kwan Yin statue (at least I think it's her), which is actually really nicely detailed considering how cheap it was.

Next came the movie, then it was back here and we went down the street to get some dinner (since neither of us had really eaten properly all day) where I had a girly bonding moment with the Serving Wench over Lemon Spritz...

It was a pretty good day, even if we didn't end up buying THAT much stuff.

But now my house is a bit of a tip... and I'm not sure I can summon up the energy to tidy it...

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