
shopping lite

empty trolleyToday was something of a half-assed shopping day...

Supermarket Safari went off as normal, nothing of grand interest to report on that front... then we came back and I unpacked then we took ourselves down to Arndale to catch the first session of Quantum of Solace...

More on the actual movie will follow in a bit... but I have to have a bit of a rant first. Now, there were maybe a dozen people in the movie theatre, and I'd done what I have a tendency to do when we're sitting in that front row before the big drop off (you know the one... the front of the middle) and I'd taken my (white) sneakers off and put my feet up on the balcony thing in front of us. I've been doing this FOREVER, okay, sometimes if a staff member comes in I'll duck my feet down a bit, but I've never had an issue with it.

But just before the movie started this wanker who was sitting in the row behind us (and not even directly behind us, because that I could understand, but like half a dozen seats to our left) came over to me and told me that my white socks were "distracting". I looked at him like he was a crazy person and told him that he should be watching the screen and not my socks (what I really wanted to tell him was to go fuck himself, and I probably should have). Anyway, he wandered away and while I put my feet down flat so they shouldn't have been catching any light I was internally seething about this fucker.

Well, the next thing I know one of the staff girlies comes in and asked me to put my feet down because they'd had "a few complaints"... yeah, a few as in ONE. What a fucking wanker. So I put my feet down and looked over at him, giving him the evil death stare (and missing an important action beat in the process)... and what did the wanker do... he WAVED at me. Fucking smug git. So I gave him the finger.

And it's lucky he didn't look at me or say anything on his way out (I gave him death stares the whole time anyway) otherwise he would have gotten a mouthful of abuse. I mean, really... come the fuck on... he needed to mind his own business. Stupid fucker.

Okay, where did I put my swear jar?

*drops vast amounts of cash into the swear jar*

After the movie was over we wandered around Arndale for a bit... I discovered that they've reprinted some of the classic Little Golden Books (it's their 65th anniversary, dontchaknow)... specifically Scuffy the Tugboat, Tootles, The Tawny Scrawny Lion (that lion was SO gay), all of which I remember from my childhood (the only one I couldn't find was The Saggy Baggy Elephant)... and I just had to pick them up for My Other Cousin's son. I mean they're probably hideously dated, but it's a nostalgia thing...

Once we'd done the full wander we hopping in the car and went down to West Lakes (for no particular reason other than we didn't quite know what else to do next)... the sad thing was that the malls are both owned by the same company, so essentially with a couple of variations it was like we were in exactly the same place again...

So obviously that didn't last long... we had a little lunch, had a little wander, I perved on the more attractive beach-adjacent hotties that frequent West Lakes (thank god for tall boys with short teeshirts) and then we came back here to watch Heroes (Ma's VCR didn't tape it all for some reason)...

Thus endeth the constructive part of the day...

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