
movember: week one

movember - week oneBehold, my inability to grow decent facial hair in a timely manner...

Welcome to Movember, Week One!

You know, at this rate it's going to take me the whole month before I even HAVE a proper moustache... I was thinking about aiming for something in a Van Dyke kind of style... I've left the little "soul patch" (and what the hell does that even mean anyway) unshaven too (since you're allowed to according to the rules of Movember and I wanted to keep my options open), but it's all a bit slow going at the moment...

A bit like my donations really... very, very, very, very slow going so far... you like how I slipped that in all subtle-like...

Honestly though, I look a bit scruffy at the moment (which is fine, I can live with that), but because I'm not feeling well, I also FEEL really, really scruffy (which isn't so good). I'm not going to whine though because I know that it's mostly the sick talking...

I'd forgotten how oddly my facial hair tends to grow in... not only is it very coarse (as compared with the fine hair on my noggin), but like the rest of my hair it's never particularly one colour... my mo has bits of dark brown, red, blonde and (horror of horrors) white in it (hard to see in the photo, but it's there, trust me). Weirdness...

And because I'm so very tactile I've found myself slipping into a pattern of stroking my mo... not in a twirling, Snidley Whiplash kind of way... more in a thoughtful, "what the hell is this thing doing on my lip" way... I used to do a similar thing whenever I've had a goatee or any kind of chin fluff.

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The Other Andrew said...

Dude, don't wipe too hard... that smudge might come off. :)

The Mutant said...

You call that an inability to grow facial hair? After about a month I didn't have that much mo last time I tried to grow one! As for the odd coloured facial hair, I have a bit of that going on too. Strange.

It really adds a kind of villainous streak so keep at it... Not that I'm into men who look like they have a dangerous side or anything.

yani said...

You know there's a short joke out there now with your name on it, don't you Andrew? :P

Kez... one word... flirt! ;)