
movember: week three

week threeAnd so, we enter the home stretch of Movember...

I'm having mixed feelings about the imminent loss of, as Ma called it last weekend, the "rat under my nose" (thanks Ma, way to be supportive!)... on the one hand I'll be glad to get rid of the thing... it prickles unexpectedly, I've found people staring at it instead of making eye contact with me and it still looks semi-scruffy... but at the same time I think I'm going to miss it when it's gone... it gives me something to fiddle with, it cuts down on shaving time in the morning and it's only just now starting to look like a "proper" moustache. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to shave it all off once December 1 rolls around (since I'd look worse with this much mo and a straggly little goatee), but I think that facial hair might have to have a reprise early next year... we'll see.

It's also interesting that I've both noticed a lot of guys with mos around the place, but at the same time there don't seem to be that many of us. It's kind of like when you know somebody that's pregnant, suddenly you notice everybody who's pregnant, or you buy a particular brand of car and then every other car you pass on the road seems to be the same kind. The weird thing is that you don't technically know that they're also Mo Bros... okay, anybody running around in the big ol pornstar mo is pretty much a dead certainty, but everybody else is up for debate.

So, this being the start of the last week, this is pretty much your last chance to DONATE...

Current Mood:

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