Okay, that's not completely true, I still have to arrange something for my cousin's girls (some sort of handcrafted, printed vouchery thing entitling them to one all expenses paid trip to the movies with First Cousin Once Removed Yani) and finish up the Sydney inspired calendar for Ma... plus buy her the traditional (okay, so I'm trying to turn it into a tradition, sue me) block of nougat and then I'm DONE... Captial D, Capital O, Capital N, etc...
This whole "gainful employment" thing is a bad influence... a really, really, really bad influence... because I just go all "crazed mental patient" with my present buying. Yes, Ma deserves to be spoiled beyond all sense and reason, and I so totally have that covered this year... but Sweet Georgia Brown Batman, it's quite possibly gotten a little out of hand (although as I said to her at one point yesterday "who the fuck else do I really have to buy things for").
And of course because I have appropriate amounts of cash coming in I go a little nuts buying things for myself too... I just "bought myself a little DVD Happy" (to paraphrase Will & Grace's Karen) on The Bookshop's website. Well, is it my fault they had Another Gay Sequel already, plus both Torch Song Trilogy (which I've been after FOR-EV-ER) and Shortbus on special.
But getting back to Ma... not only have I gone nuts with the "little bitty presents" (as evidenced by me picking up a set of Wall-E and EVE pens in Cheap as Chips this afternoon... but she's going to have to share those since there are two of each), but I've also gone pretty hardcore with the "bigger ticket items"... specifically The Mikado tickets, and today I went out and bought her the external hard drive she mentioned wanting (and had one of those style vs substance moments... do I buy the 160GB black one, or pay twice as much for the 320GB white once because, it's, you know, all white and more interesting than the black one... in the end I just went with black).
It's kind of like the Christmas about four years ago, just before I stopped working for The Nut House the first time... I spoiled her absolutely rotten... every time she even mentioned anything in passing I went out and bought it. But most of that was smaller stuff... this is going to be a Big Fat Christmas, I can just tell.
I also put an end to the box dilemma once and for all... I bought a black cardboard giftbox... I'll wrap that in the Japanese fabric, it will have the same kind of effect without the excessiveness of having to buy an expensive Bento box she may never use again (I have no idea what I'm going to do with the box I bought last week, which actually is still a little oily, but I'll work something out).
Ma and I also had a scary symmetry moment... she called me while I was in Cheap as Chips, and she was also calling from Cheap as Chips... different store, but you know, spooky and stuff. Then when I got home I called her again to talk to her about something and she was quite literally reaching into her bag to get her phone to call me. Weirdness...
Current Mood:

We also bought Torch Song Trilogy at JB for $6.95!!! Haven't watched it yet though. :)
I knew that would happen... I knew if I bought it I would either see it somewhere else cheaper or somebody would tell me it was cheaper...
Now I just need to avoid going looking for it at JB (I can never find anything in there anyway)...
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