
montage monday: statues

statues 2006I went with a whole statue theme for this week's Monday Montage... and you know what... in all the houses I go past every day on my walk... not one garden gnome... lots of ladies from the school of "Show Us Your Ta-Ta's"... but no gnomes...

Well this weekend was a much more successful shopping adventure than last week... maybe because we didn't go all over the place trying to track down something that nobody seemed to have... makes everything seem so much more productive when you can actually find what you're looking for.

I got the presents I was looking for for my cousin's two girls (plus a couple of things that I didn't intend to get, but I think will work nicely)... well, to be honest, I got one and ordered the other, but then Ma called me yesterday afternoon to tell me that she found the thing I'd ordered somewhere else...

I also got Ma reasonably organised with her stuff too... instead of just wandering around Marion aimlessly as we usually do (I don't know why, but we seem to go from one end to the other, then back to the first end, then back to the far end... then back... well, you get the idea)... halfway through we sat down, had a drink and made a list... then went back and hit those stores specifically, in some semblance of order, and she was able to cross a bunch off stuff off her list. I also dragged her into one of the clothing stores and loaded her up with stuff to try on because she'd mentioned that she didn't have her "Christmas Outfit" yet... and we walked out with a couple of outfit choices actually...

On a completely unrelated topic, since Jamie Durie's appearance on Oprah in America this week I've been getting a few hits on StatCounter for the phrase "nate berkus jamie durie couple" (and of course, after saying that there are going to be any number of folks hitting this post)... and because I've mentioned both Nate and Jamie at least once (okay, I've mentioned Nate on more than one occasion) I guess people are finding their way here... (and for those of you who have no idea who Jamie Durie is, GuyTVBlog does a nice recap)... but, for the record, unlike other Aussie celebs I could mention, I've never heard any kind of rumour about Jamie's orientation being anything other than hetro... so, as nice as it might be to imagine Nate and Jamie getting busy, I'm sure it's just wishful thinking...

Did I mention that I met Jamie Durie (very briefly) once, back when he was still a stripper? Yep, Manpower came to Adelaide and I went along with three of my girlfriends from work... a room full of slightly crazed women, male strippers and one lone gayboy... and then afterwards they signed autographs for everyone... I bought a poster and got, I think, three of them to sign it, Jamie included... true story...

I'm going to attempt to make Thai Chicken Sausage Rolls (okay, I know, without actual "sausage" in them, they're really not "sausage rolls") either sometime this week, or maybe next week... there's a place in North Adelaide that makes something similar, and I really like them, so I'm kind of hoping I can come close to replicating the taste... I'm guessing in advance that it could be a big old disaster, but we'll see...

Oh, and a moment of silence please... my fairylights died last night... *pout*... granted they've been working every day for at least three years, and they were only cheapass lights to begin with... and one set had already given up the ghost a few weeks ago... but last night the other set got brighter for no apparent reason, then were going bright, dull, bright, dull (never good), then crapped out completely. I'm going to have to be on the lookout for one of those "rope lights" in the post Christmas sales...

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