While most of the labels I came up with were self explanatory, I thought I would go through them all anyway, mention how many posts they all have, what's in them, that kind of thing... like Gay Banker said in his version of this post (and it's where I stole the idea), it's a bit cheap blogging about blogging... but what the hell...
I've added the labels to the sidebar, and taken out the couple of lists I had in there that linked back to my own stuff... I'm sure that when I'm brave enough to update my template again on the new system that Blogger will add the labels into the sidebar for me automatically, but I'm not quite ready for that yet... it also means, unfortunately, that I'm missing the "Older Posts" link that appears at the bottom of long lists of posts like this... so you might not get all the posts in any one category...
- About Me: 111 posts... which is the most of any of the categories... this is not only actual stuff about me, but also some of those random diary posts... but hey, the whole blog is about me really... right?
- Blog Stuff: 27 posts... this is, not surprisingly, stuff relating to the blog and blogging in general, like this post...
- Camera Club: 20 posts... my adventures with the Camera Club... and that's probably all the posts under this label that there will ever be...
- Excursions: 26 posts... this is any time I've been anywhere out of the ordinary, coffee with someone, events like Skyshow, dining out, that kind of thing...
- Exposing Myself: 5 posts... showing off something from my house/life... this takes the place of the Exposing Myself list I had in the sidebar...
- General Randomness: 34 posts... things that just didn't seem right filed under anything else...
- Hair Adventures: 7 posts... my adventures around getting my hair done... but given the number of posts it's pretty obvious that I don't get my hair cut that often.
- Meme: 26 posts... that's a lot of meme really...
- Men: 28 posts... my very unsuccessful adventures with men and my thought on the few strange men who've been part of my life thus far...
- Montage Monday Musings: 50 posts... this is a mixture of my Monday Montage and Monday Musings posts...
- Movies: 43 posts... my thoughts on the movies I've seen...
- Painting: 4 posts... my ongoing painting adventures...
- Photo Friday: 44 posts... all my random Friday photos...
- Pop Culture: 34 posts... this is stuff about teevee or books or music or whatever, but for the most part it's stuff other than movies, since that has it's own label...
- Quizzes: 86 posts... the second largest group of postings... blogthings, quizzes, trivia, that kind of stuff...
- Random Hotness: 66 posts... the few, the random, the hotness...
- Recipes: 9 posts... this one takes the place of the Yani's Cookbook list I had in the sidebar... my cooking adventures...
- Special Day: 23 posts... either holidays, or else other random days like Talk Like a Pirate Day...
- Templates: 11 posts... this is just the changes to my blog template...
- Thoughts On: 11 posts... mostly this is the posts titled "Thoughts On..." but it's also got some of my other long thoughtful rambles in it...
- Walking: 64 posts... just about any post that has anything to do with my ongoing adventures in walking got added to this one...
- Work: 6 posts... my currently infrequent adventures in the world of work...

I am not looking forward to this impending change.
I am going to fuck it up.
Yeah, the new beta blogger is OK, but when they get the bugs out it'll be much better! I hate the way it screws up the formatting after using things like bullet points or the html 'blockquote' etc. And every time I try the new spell-checker it completely scrambles my posting, Arrghhhhh!!
GB xxx
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