Maybe because it's hot, maybe because I'm a little distracted, I don't know...
Okay, I did get stage two of the Asian canvas done, but then I screwed up the last bit and had to wipe some of it off and paint over it... and I started something new, maybe for one of Ma's friends, but I'm not sure about it... and then I realised that when I put some orange paint on it, I managed to get little orange specks on the Asian canvas that I'd rather stupidly put on the floor next to the table to dry... so then I had to go over it with a fine brush and try and pick up each and every little orange speck... I did pretty much finish this purple stripey canvas that's probably for me (although where I'm going to put it, I have no idea), but it's kind of missing something, but I don't know what... and I'm afraid that if I do too much to it I'll overwork it, and that never ends well...
So I officially give up for today...

Technically this is the third part of the Blogger Series... although this one kind of comes from a different place than the Eddy and Tom canvases... rather than coming more from a verbal/mental place, this one very much comes from a visual place...
Mostly, I guess, because the subject in question is a lot more visual... Brent Corrigan...
Actually, that's kind of weird in and of itself... when I painted it he was still Brent, but now he seems to be in the process of "reverting to his true self", Sean Lockhart (and for the record, there's something so engaging about that surname, I don't know why, but it just grabs me)... so maybe this should actually be "Sean" and not "Brent"... but anyway...
Either way, I chose to focus on something that is, in my eyes at least, instantly recognisable as "Brent" (or "Sean"... but let's not start that again)... and contrary to the image above, that's not actually his ass (although it is a very nice ass)... but rather, the star tattoo... which, yes, does happen to be very close to his ass obviously... but, to me at least, sums him up in more ways than one (both because he seems to have that star quality and because once you've seen him, he's instantly recognisable)...
I sketched out something in chalk first that was a little bit more representative of, well, his ass to be honest... and came out really well I thought... but when I came to paint it, because the paints just wouldn't play ball the same way the chalks did, it ended up way more subjective and abstract than I was originally going for.

But in the end I actually like the result (and hopefully, so does he).
I did email him about it, with copies of the photos, but I haven't heard anything back from him yet...
Subtle, ain't I...
Current Mood:

Again, I like it very much. What kind of paints do you use? Oils? Acrylics? I've been experimenting with acrylics (since I have no art training whatsoever), but they're not doing what I want.
Acrylics... and basically your whole last sentence has been my experience so far :P
So, you've been thinking about ass lately? Very interesting.
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