With apologies to Eddie Floyd for that horrible misuse of the lyrics from Knock on Wood... but it is appropriate...
I adore thunderstorms...
I love rainstorms too, but there is just something about thunderstorms...
I can't put my finger on why, or really describe my reaction to them, but thunderstorms just make me a big world of happy...
Technically we're in the midst of one as I type (yeah, I know, I probably shouldn't be on the computer blah blah blah)... I keep hearing the odd roll of thunder and catching little glimpses of not so much the actual lightning, but the light flicker when the cloud cover gets illuminated.
I was watching the storm properly earlier... I opened the curtains a bit, stretched out on my little red sofa and just watched the lightning flicker across the sky above the house next door... god it's beautiful.
But then it seemed to kind of subside (although it may be picking up a bit again now, but that could just be the rain)... and, like seemingly everything else that happens within the confines of my apartment buildings, my dumbass neighbours were pretty much ruining the moment with their constant, pointless, unintelligible blah blah blah... would you all just SHUT UP already! Jeeze... I was having a moment here... and all I could hear was them crapping on about something... not enough to hear what they were on about (if they were even crapping on in a language I would have understood), but just enough to hear their endless blah blah blah...
God, listen to that... heavy rain... mmmmmmm... oooh... and thunder... YUM!
I've always loved thunder and lightning, my whole life. Ma did a very good and very clever thing when I was really, really, really little (I think I might actually have still been a baby). Whenever we had a thunderstorm she would stand at the window with me and we would watch the thunderstorm and she never let on that it freaked her out... so I never learned to be afraid or freaked out by thunderstorms... instead I LOVE them.
Unfortunately I actually missed what was probably the best thunderstorm of my life... I would have been in about Year 6 I think... so, what... 11 years old I guess. And one night we had the biggest, loudest, flashiest and closest thunderstorm EVER... it was basically right over the suburb... and kids at school the next day were talking about nothing else... how scary it was, that the thunder and lightning were coming right on top of each other... the whole deal.
And me?
I slept through it.
Yep... possibly the biggest thunderstorm of my life and I sleep through the whole damn thing. Which I think is 50% about me not being freaked out by thunder and lightning, and 50% about how deep a sleeper I am/was. But I was very pissy that Ma didn't wake me up for it.
I think the storm might be on it's last legs as we speak... the rain is still there, but much lighter now... and there's only the occasional rumble... but then I thought that earlier...
Current Mood:

Your Sat. our Fri. It just Poured rain w/ lightning and thunder(at rush hour, how convenient) - in Nov. rather unusual in Chicago. But very, very cool. I too love thunder and lightning.
Love thundershowers. Always have.
My favourite is lying in bed, on a Sunday morning (or when you have a day off) and listening to the rain fall on the roof while the thunder rolls in the background.
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