

nate and oprah - image tm & copyright 2005 harpo productions incI've said before that I'm a sucker for Oprah's makeover shows... And I think part of that is a big fat crush on Nate Berkus. If I suddenly won the lottery and bought an apartment in the city or something, and I was able to have my pick of interior designers from anywhere on the planet, I think Nate would be not only the top of my list, but most probably the whole list.

I've yet to see a makeover he's done, even if it wasn't to MY taste, that didn't totally fit the person he was doing it for. From Oprah's office to Jerry O'Connell's bachelor pad, they all fit the person and their lifestyle. Plus he's so damn cute!

Weirdly enough, it was also Nate, and his story of losing his partner Fernando Bengoechea in the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that really made that story actually resonate for me. Before then it had been just a story, a tragedy, but it seemed like something that all the news media were exploiting and going on and on and on about, but I just couldn't connect with it. Then I heard Nate's story, and it struck a cord in me.

The fact that he survived that ordeal and managed to find his way out the other side, even after losing his partner and just living through those experiences, gives me the utmost respect for him.

And the title from this entry? It comes from a story Oprah told on today's Go Inside Nate's House episode (we're disgustingly far behind America in Oprah episodes, and it doesn't help when they keep repeating them). Seems that Halle Berry met Nate after a previous show, and Halle confessed that her mother wanted Nate to give her "sperm in a cup" so Halle could have Nate's baby (and I do agree with Oprah... a Halle/Nate offspring... gorgeous!). Then Oprah went off on this "You'd be HallyBerryBabyDaddy" riff, that made me just crack up.

Current Mood: amused

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