
i give him six months...

thorpedoIan Thorpe announced his retirement yesterday...

I happened to catch part of his press conference during the afternoon news... and my first thought after watching him speak and play the pronoun game about this "person" who helped him make the decision?

"I'll give him six months to a year before he come out..."

That is, unless he ends up doing something teevee related.

Hey, I could be wrong... media reports are saying that the "person" is actually a sports administrator (and a woman)... and I just finished reading Greg Louganis's autobiography, which could be further colouring my opinion...

To be honest, I've thought the same thing about Thorpe for YEARS... and I figured there's no point in saying, six months down the track, when he does finally announce it, "Oh, I always knew it"...

Time will tell I guess...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

six months.. MAX !!