Speaking of walks... it was really weird this morning... as I was getting up I felt like I hadn't been walking for days and days and days... but it's only been two, same as every week... it must just have been a really long weekend...
The painting frenzy continues... in addition to the painting I finished yesterday, I'm currently working on six different canvases... there's the four blogger minis... a minor touchup on the Pink Flower canvas from last weekend (at Ma's suggestion), although that one is pretty much done now... and the Asian inspired canvas for my cousin (who I still haven't heard from, for the record).
I have to say though, that not a single one of them is working out the way I intended... part of that is my crappy paints I think (especially annoying on the Asian canvas, since I want a nice solid layer of black to start on)... but they're all diverging in greater or lesser amounts from the idea I had in my head when I started...
And interestingly, I ended up sketching out one of my ideas in a sketchbook with chalk of all things... I know I'm not going to be able to recreate the same thing with paint (I tried already and it went in a whole other direction... an interesting one, but not what I'd intended), but I kind of like what I did with the chalk... I'm just afraid to close the book now, in case I smudge it.
I spent large chunks of yesterday afternoon wanting to kill my neighbours yet again... actually that's not completely true... it was the people visiting my neighbours that I wanted to kill more than the neighbours themselves. All I want is some damn peace and quiet in my own home... is that so much to ask? I had a thought on my walk this morning that part of my brain wants to keep mentioning my annoyance so if I ever do snap and go all "crazed postal worker" on them (not that it would ever happen... I'm more likely to end up with an ulcer than I am to commit mass murder) I've got some kind of grounds for "innocence by reason of ongoing mental frustration" or something... *grin*
No grand shopping adventures to report from Saturday... just regular random food shopping, then a stop off at Arndale to grab yet more cut price DVD's (including a brief interlude where I stood and drooled over the newly released James Bond collection) , then a slight detour to Norwood again to pick up the local boutique beer we couldn't get last week because they didn't have any... not bad, one six-pack, three people sorted as partial Christmas presents, including me... what... I like beer at Christmas...
I made some progress on the whole "healthier Sunday eating" plan I mentioned last week... granted, it was still a little carb-heavy, but at least it was a step in the right direction.
In the "Random Love" basket this morning is the new Gwen Stefani track, Wind It Up, that features a bigass sample of The Lonely Goatherd from The Sound of Music... very cool... oh, and the clip for Moby's new track, New York, New York... if only for the fairly cute and very gay dancer boys in it... it is a funny clip though.
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