
private stuff meme

A couple of days ago, and somewhat uncharacteristically I gotta say, Eddy did aprivate stuff meme (the fact that it's mostly sexual is the uncharacteristic bit, not the fact that he did a meme)... and while bits of it were also covered by the I Sex Meme I did a while ago, who can resist yet another meme...

Not me...
  1. Can you count all the sexual partners you've ever had on two hands? Errrr.... no...
  2. When did you have your first sexual experience? Around age 12 I think.
  3. Do you like boys or girs? Boys.
  4. Have you ever had a threesome? Twice... well, three times if you count the one where the guy's partner just watched...
  5. How old were you when you first touched yourself? Honestly I have no idea.... around 11 maybe...
  6. Have you ever dreamed about having sex with a teacher? Yep... Year 9 Maths teacher and Year 10 Science teacher...
  7. Have you ever dreamed about having sex with an animal? Not that I can recall, no.
  8. Do you like toys in bed? Not particularly.
  9. Do you like to be spanked? See above...
  10. Does size matter? In general, no... so long as it's neither so big or small as to limit your options...
  11. Who was your first crush? That I remember? Probably Michael J. Fox actually...
  12. Do you enjoy oral sex? Depending on who it's with (sometimes I get bored halfway through), but mostly, yeah...
  13. Have you ever had anal sex? Yes, yes I have...
  14. Did you enjoy the experience? Again... depends on who it was with... sometimes yes, sometimes no...
  15. Do you shave your private area? Do I? No... Have I ever? Yes...
  16. Do you have wet dreams often? Nope.
  17. Have you ever been tied up while having sex? Yes indeed...
  18. Have you ever tied someone up while having sex? Oh yes...
  19. Do you believe bisexuality is real? Yes... I just think that a lot of people are more one thing than the other and that makes people confused...
  20. If you could sleep with a celebrity legitimately, who would it be? Honestly, I can't think of just one... I mean, if I had to I could come up with a list of about twenty... but there is no one name that stands out...
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1 comment:

Larry said...

Oh Yani, you deviant :)

I copied this from you, by the way.