Actually this whole thing is kind of a noodle post to be honest...
I have this other post rattling around in my brain, but for whatever reason it doesn't want to come out just yet... actually I'm having one of those days where nothing seems to be falling into place the way it should, so I'm not going to force it... hopefully some time this week I can pry it out without having to resort to a crowbar...
So... yesterday's noodleness...
We dropped Ma's phone in to the nice folks at Nokia first thing (ie, just after 8:30), and they told us it would be ready in an hour... which naturally means twice that length of time... and lo and behold, it was nearly 11 by the time we got it back...
I'm kinda jealous though... because they had to upload all the files back onto Ma's phone, it looks like she got the newest version of everything... and possibly got extra ringtones and things (although nothing that stood out when she went through it)...
We decided on Gloria Jeans for breakfast... but because we were at the other end of the Mall, we went to a different one from the one we usually end up at... what is it about Gloria Jeans and gay boys behind the counter... I ask you...
I got their new espresso iced coffee thing... my brain keeps telling me it's called Fusion, but I don't think that's right... something along those lines though... very, very nice... but possibly the reason I had a headache later on...
I don't know if all Gloria Jeans do this, but they had a little chalkboard with a "maths" brainteaser on it... 5 + 5 + 10 = 555... and you had to make the equation correct by adding a single line, but without using the "not equal to" symbol... so I sat there, drinking my coffee and trying to work it out... I thought about adding a 1 to any of the numbers... and that didn't work... I wondered if there was another tricky math symbol that would make it work, couldn't think of one... eventually I got it... not sure if I should share the answer or just leave you all guessing...
Anyway, I wasn't sure if there was some kind of "prize" for solving it or if it was just up there to entertain people while they drank their coffee... so I went and asked the gayboy behind the counter... turns out there was a prize... granted it was only a Chupa Chup, but still...
After that we wandered around, mostly bookstores actually, and finally used one of my monthly discount vouchers from Borders to get the newest Anita Blake book, popped into another random couple of places, then went back to harass the nice Nokia folk so hopefully the phone would be finished quicker...
Then it was off to Marion for the movie... and afterwards we had some lunch (Subway) and did some random shopping... I got some more paints (including gold and silver) and four new canvases... one long one so that I can attempt to do something vaguely asian-inspired for my cousin for Christmas (the same cousin who called me at the last minute on Monday to say that she wasn't feeling well, and would call me Monday night to reschedule our lunch/coffee/catch-up thing... I'm still waiting), another A3 sized one, and a couple more little ones... and a few other bits and piece of painting related stuff (some chalk for roughing out designs and some circles for one of the other "blogger" canvases)...
After all that we stopped off for a Cold Rock... mmmmmmm... Cold Rock...
Then, on the way home, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration about the "Eddy" canvas... so I'm going to have to abandon the one I had originally started so I can go in this whole other direction... I'm not completely sure how it's going to turn out, I might need to sketch out a couple of ideas first...
We also stopped off briefly at Officeworks and grabbed an A3 display book for my larger and already matted photos, basically all the stuff that I'd entered into the Camera Club over the last couple of years... it doesn't look half bad all presented like that I have to say... although because the book is A3, I have NO idea where the hell I'm going to keep it...
When we got back to my place, I discovered that my apartment-dwelling nemesis, Skateboard Guy, had been busy being annoying again (at least I assume it was him), and suddenly there was "No Junk Mail" written in permanent marker on all of the letter boxes for the complex (or, at least, all of the ones that weren't sporting some other kind of "No Junk Mail" sticker)... ummm... EXCUSE ME! RUDE! I've removed all the other "No Junk Mail" things they've tried to force onto the mailboxes over the time I've been living there for a reason... I WANT junk mail... it's my right to get junk mail if I want it, and the fact that they didn't inform anyone, and just did it, REALLY annoyed me... so I grabbed the toxic cleaning sludge Ma and I had used on my kitchen (in lieu of either metho and nail polish remover) and went out and scrubbed the offending words off my mailbox... nobody is going to tell me if I can or cannot get junk mail! And I'm pretty certain he only did it so that the dumbass doesn't have to pick up the stray bits of junk mail from around the courtyard... lazy little shithead...
And for the record, I didn't have noodles for dinner yesterday... although I am considering making laksa tonight...
Current Mood:

Give up! Can we use calculators, sir? please?
What do you have to do to get a monthly discount voucher for Borders?
I don't mind junk mail - sometimes there are some good deals. I have a No Junk sticker though as I don't like to come back after a few days away to loads of crap sticking out of the mailbox - a sure sign to burglars that you're away!
Think outside the box young Skywalker... :P
As for the Borders vouchers... I bought something, the nice lady asked if I wanted to be on their mailing list thingie, then every couple of weeks or so I get an email from them that involves some kind of discount voucher...
I think you can just sign up on the website though... under Borders Mail...
Gloria Jean's aptitude for gay boys appears to be international. And here, they're hot too. I almost walked into somebody at the mall once because I was too busy gawking through the window :)
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