These are just random "art" shots I took in the city last time I was getting my hair cut... or rather, after I'd had it cut and when I was off to see my Agency Girly...
The birds were just in a side street... on the side of a cafe actually, and I was totally struck by them, since, unlike Melbourne, street art on that scale is not something you usually see here in Adelaide. I also love the fact that the birds even fly over the parking signs.
The glass word art on the other hand is the frontage for the new Sunday Mail & Advertiser building... and I have to say, I totally love it! But then I've always been fond of using typography as art. What you can't really see in that photo is that there is a second set of panels set behind the ones with the letters that reflect the letters a second time (well, I'm guessing that's what it is, rather than it being a second set of lettering) which gives you that whole depth thing.
And yes, I did frame this shot so that I got the word "photography" in it's entirety.
Current Mood:

I also really like the second one. And yeah it's the depth. Plus I really like how glass takes on the color of what it's surrounded by.
Thanks for the notice. I wondered what was up. Ill read you now insted. Thanks
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