Photo Friday trilogy today... this time statues...

This one is from
Port Adelaide... and although she looks like she should be
Lady Justice, I think it's some kind of worker's memorial (and who knows, she might actually be the lady in question anyway)... I'm just not sure exactly what she's a memorial to, since I didn't take a whole lot of notice at the time. Have I mentioned that I have a big thing about
negative space? Love me some negative space... and this was perfect since there wasn't a cloud in the sky that day... She's also the same statue that I used to commemorate
my 500th post...

I'm also having a big thing about angels at the moment... I have no idea why though. Maybe it's the lead up to Christmas, maybe it's just a whole design aesthetic, I don't know... this one is from my excursion with Stu to
West Terrace Cemetery... and it's also the very first shot I took on the day... and oddly enough, probably the BEST shot of the day too... it's weird how that happens sometimes...

The angel fetish continues with this one... She's from this little monument thing down by the
River Torrens... again, I don't actually know what the hell the thing is a monument for... but because it's an odd little structure, and the angel looks like she was frozen in place (and almost looks out of place walking down the steps) I've always been fond of it. Actually, after a quick bit of research I think it's the
Angas Family Memorial...
On an interesting, if slightly unrelated note, if you run the words "
angel statue adelaide torrens" through Google, my blog is the fourth highest entry... although after this post, it might find itself higher up the list...
Current Mood:
Google heard you - you're down to 6th place now :P
I've yet to understand page rankings - type my name into google and sometimes I'm top of the list and sometimes I'm not even in the top 100.
Stone is a morbid medium for an angel. I swear every cemetary must have two or three of them at least-- Cracked and sad, and covered in lichen.
It takes serious talent to sculpt any of the three statues you photographed though, and I'm not slamming them. I just think angels should be about frollicking and pretty things. Not dead people rotting in the ground.
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