
realistic pseudo dream

sleepingObviously it's the week for weird dreams... after Andrew's odd Martha themed dream, I had a doozey of a strange dream this morning... and it was so strange I woke myself up at the end, and actually got out of bed to find a pencil and paper to jot it down before I forgot it.

I have to say, this one, unlike the other dreams I've had, seemed a bit more real at the time... so much so that after I woke up I had to remember that it hadn't actually happened...

In the dream I think that my Nanna had just died (in actual fact she died when I was 17)... and had left me this weird wooden compass thing on a stick... kind of like a spoon with the compass where the bowl of the spoon should be... but it wasn't a compass that pointed north, it pointed towards whatever it was that I was supposed to find/be looking for.

Anyway, Ma and I followed it once... but went left instead of right initially, and I think ended up in what looked like some kind of computer strategy/puzzle game... I know there were levers that needed to be flicked and conveyor belts and things... but that could actually have been a completely separate side dream...

Eventually I followed the compass thing again, but to the right this time... and started out in the car, but ended up walking, and I don't know that there was a logical reason why we stopped riding in the car.

While we were walking, I picked up a fluro tube and tried to make a phone call to Raury (not with the tube, but while I was carrying it)... but didn't get any reply...

And then we found what it was we were supposed to be looking for... graffiti, written on the side of what I think was a kindergarten, allegedly by my Nanna (and if you knew her, you would know how completely ridiculous that thought was).

I can't remember what it actually said now, I just remember that in the dream it made me cry like a big girlyman... and that, for whatever reason, the text flickered back and forward between the painted text and "real" printed text... which I thought at the time was kind of weird...

The text also started off with "Yani", rather than my real name... which didn't seem weird when I was dreaming, but seems a little strange when I think about it, if only because I didn't BECOME Yani until about five years after Nanna died... because, you know, logic and dreams go hand in hand... not...

And the final really weird thing was that at the end of the message was a note from someone who was a friend of Nanna's (although this person has to be a dream invention), called, I think, Mabel, Mavis... something like that... and at the very end of it, she mention Sunshine-Eddy... something along the lines of "I hope you find a boyfriend as nice as Sunshine-Eddy"... and honest to god, I have NO idea what the hell that was about...

I'm just going to chalk that bit up to the fact that I've been thinking about his painting quite a bit the last few days... honest!

I think the whole dream pretty much was a product of me needing to get out more or something though...


On the plus side, at least this dream didn't have a bunch of random celebrities in it...

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Sunshine said...

Yay! Your Nanna likes me!!!! Or maybe your subconscious has just mistaken me for someone nice. ;)

Talking of which, I'm SO slack - I'll return your email tonight. Promise. :)

Tom said...

Compassy things, codes written on walls... have you been reading Dan Brown recently?!

Anonymous said...

I think it must be the El Nino effect, or something. I was dreaming last night about having to set up numerous conference calls (something I do regularly in my job) and my alarm burst on with "Ricki Don't Lose That Number"...
By the way, I've begun setting up my rainbow xmas tree.

yani said...

Sunshine: Actually it was my Nanna's imaginary friend who liked you :P

Tom: Actually no... although I did watch Goonies recently... maybe that's it...

Joe: Joe's Big Gay Christmas Tree... yaaaay! (Watch this space Sunday or Monday :P)