
what's on my fridge

my fridgeAndrew always seems to find the best visual meme's... I guess it must be a Flickr thing...

You've already had a half-assed view of the stuff on my fridge when I showed off the photo of my kitchen, but this time you can actually see what's on there. Given where it is though, there's really not any good place for getting a shot of the fridge... it always ends up too dark... and there's only so much brightening you can do in Photoshop to things that are white...

  1. Joe Phillips "Little Bear" dress-up magnet... he's currently undressed because I realised he was getting a reverse tan line and his arms were paler than his body from the sunlight...
  2. Elephant magnets... and the one on the right is holding up the flyer for my street's big dumbass Christmas party, so I remember when it is, and can avoid it like the plague...
  3. Lifeguard magnets... these are really old... at least fifteen years... and I may or may not have stolen them originally, I don't remember...
  4. Flat bottom taco magnet which came with some other Mexican brand food item... it's holding up the scribble drawing J did ages ago and I stuck on the fridge, and a flyer for the Dolphin Cruise that I picked up in Port Adelaide...
  5. Cybertart Bunny Bones magnet I got from Melbourne, which has the name of the Indian place Stu took me to for lunch a couple of weeks ago under it...
  6. My Wish List...
  7. Photo of Mouja the cat...
  8. Random magnetic hotness from DNA magazine...
I also have some stuff around the far side too (but trying to get a photo from that angle would have been near impossible)... three goldfish (for luck/prosperity), a little movie poster magnet for Teenage Monster, another magnetic hotness from DNA and a magnet with "useful numbers" on it... Police, Gas Emergencies, Lifeline, stuff like that...

So, yeah, that's my fridge...

Current Mood:


Michael said...

That is one queer fridge.

The Other Andrew said...

I'm honoured! Oh, and yes, that's a pretty gay 'fridge. But then, I'm not really surprised that we both have DNA hotties on our 'fridges. :-)

Anonymous said...

I like A and H. I'm a little surprised that the dress up magnet is anatomically correct. No wonder he's naked!

Larry said...

My refrigerator has nothing on the front of it. Damn, I guess if all the cool kids are doing it that I better go stick something on it :)

I'm jealous of your little bear, but you knew that already :)