
faerie template

faerie 2006This is most definitely the gayest template I've come up with so far...

The little faerie thing is from Happy House and was a gift for my birthday at one of the places I used to work... the blue base says
"Away with the Fairies"... and it used to sit on top of my computer at work. It was kind of a doubly appropriate present, since I was off with the fairies a lot of the time (not in a bad way, but I did all of their design work, so it was kind of expected), but also because everyone knew I was a big homo.

Now she sits on top of the subwoofer for my computer speakers and usually has the USB cord for my digital camera hanging around her. The yellow background in the shot is my kitchen counter... yep, the kitchen counter (last seen during the ant invasion), all the drawer knobs all through the apartment, the bathroom mirror surround, the top of my dressing table, the toilet seat and the shower head are all the same bright yellow. It's actually not as bad as it sounds, or it could just be that I'm immune to it after nearly ten years here.

I'm not sure how long it will be before this template drives me stark raving bonkers... or I have to start blogging in sunglasses, but I should survive...

So, take out your sunglasses, it's... yani.faerie

Current Mood: kinda perky


Anonymous said...

Blue-eyes, is also bright eyes!!


ghostlight said...

My eyes, my eyes. . .can't see. Ouch!! That's bright. *smirk*

yani said...

The question now becomes, if I hadn't mentioned how bright it was, would any of you? :P

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! I want to steal it. It's awesome!!


Sunshine said...

Yep - definitely the gayest. But I like it heaps. :)

yani said...


Is that some strange acronym I'm not aware of... like roflmaopimp (rolling on floor, laughing my ass off, peeing in my pants) or unfknblvbl or something? Or was that just your word verification word Vince?

Enquiring minds want to know...