
montage monday: airport

airport 2006It's that time again... Monday Montage... this time with an actual montage... the shots I took at the airport on Thursday came out okay after all, and I was able to make a halfway decent montage out of them.

I have to say, although I don't actually have a schedule... I feel like I'm running behind it this morning... partly because I just finished making a massive pot of random beef curry for tonight while Rocky Horror was playing in the background... even though I'm not feeding J and Monkey tonight, I still just about filled the Crockpot... there will be more than enough for tonight and tomorrow, and probably still some left over to stick in my slightly overcrowded freezer.

The other reason I feel like I'm still playing catch up is that I had to call my ISP and extend my internet for another three months... and like last time they tried to switch me from my current plan onto a different plan... but not broadband this time... but all the other plans have the "Busy Killer" on them that kills you off after 2 (or according to Andrew this morning, 3) hours during busy periods... me no likee! Then, for reasons best known to the bank, the money that Ma transferred on Saturday wasn't in my account, so I had to call back... they must just have a script at the ISP that comes up on your account screen after a period of time so they can remind you to change accounts, because when I rang the second time the dude I spoke to just put my transaction through and didn't try and switch me or anything.

The ISP thing (and the fact I was on my last 250MB of access by about midday on Friday) also meant that I had a pretty "internet lite" weekend, and didn't check anyone's blogs... which means it's going to be a big old reading fest this morning (hopefully)...

I also need to call about my heater sometime today... I might leave it until this afternoon some time, see if they call me first... hopefully it's ready...

I was sure I mentioned in a previous Monday rambling that one of the laneways on my way to both the supermarket and Camera Club was closed a couple weeks ago (although I can't find any reference to it now), around the long weekend... with no warning and no fanfare... there were just two honking great gates in the way. Well, I discovered yesterday that it's equally mysteriously open again... I did wonder what had happened, but on my way home from the 7 Day Supermarket yesterday, one of the woman who lives down the side street near where the gate was told me that the woman who just bought house closed it off without consulting the appropriate people, and illegally to boot... so she had to remove the gates... stoopid woman...

In Big Brother news, the BB Adults Only show has axed (again)... voluntarily by the network, but they caved in to the vocal moralist contingent who just keep harping on about whether it should even be on the air at all... and saying dumbass things like that it's removal is a triumph for family values... BITE ME! I'm an adult, it's an adult show in an adult timeslot... I have a right to see housemate doodle if I want to see housemate doodle... and it's especially not fair, since now I won't get to see Intruder Darren's (showing off his cute little nipple and armpit on the right) doodle...

Current Mood: distracted


Tom said...

I spy a real passport!!

It's stupid about the big brother thing isn't it. Oh well, I see from the yahoo tv guide that it's been replaced by "Adults Only Simpsons" whatever that might be. Cartoon doodle is obviously more acceptable than real life doodle! :P

yani said...

I'm assuming by "real" you mean an English passport... and yeah... there's an English and Australian one... both J's...

And the Simpsons episodes were just really lame (and tame) repeats... one on dope and one on "risky sex"... pffft...

Tom said...

It was pretty ordinary wasn't it.

Lucky J re the passports - I have the red one, hope to collect a blue one in the next couple of years!