You know how I said that it didn't really feel like Christmas, right up until Christmas... well the coming of the new year feels about the same (doubly so because it's also the end of the decade and everybody seems to be talking about the best "insert term here" of the last ten years... I'm not even going to think about that one. way too depressing)...
Maybe it's because I've essentially spent the whole year working... it just seems to have slipped through my fingers... it was only about five minutes ago that it was the middle of March and I was starting up again at The Nut House...
It's mostly been a work orientated year... while I've done a bunch of other stuff, it does feel like everything revolves around the working... maybe because the working paid for all the other stuff that happened... like the new bed and chair... the new laptop and broadband... the new iPhone...
Which makes it sound like it was a year of consumerism... but I think it was more of a year of opportunities... the money was just the facilitator... I got to take another trip to Melbourne, I went to six theatre performances (a personal record) and just shy of thirty movies and a whole bunch of shopping/market experiences, as well as a much of stuff that was fun, yet free...
And even though New Years Eve isn't until tomorrow, I thought I'd just drag out this meme which seems like it's turned into a New Years tradition (2006, 2007, 2008)...
Yaniblog09 In Review
Post the first sentence from the first post of every month of 2009:
January: Welcome to 2009, the International Year of Natural Fibres...
February: Okay, so it should be no surprise by now that it's bloody buggery hot here in good old Adelaide... and that since I don't have any kind of refrigerated air-conditioning, I am now, and have been for the last week, at varying degrees of overheatedness...
March: Good morning and welcome to Autumn!
April: Just some random questions that have been floating around in my head this fine Wednesday...
May: Okay, let's get down to it while my sugar rush is still in effect...
June: Urgh... can I please have another weekend to recover from the weekend I just had?
July: Almost twelve months ago to the day my hot water heater stopped working... and there was way too much drama about getting it working again.
August: Today was a lot like last Saturday... pretty lowkey, although with slightly more spending action.
September: There's a downside to working full time, having had very Wintery weather of late and the fact that the majority of my images are locked away on the new, and currently inaccessible, external hard drive...
October: Behold the first of five, count them... five, montages constructed from the 858 photos I took on my trip... this one details highlights from each of the five days... and since there are five rows and five days, that's a row a day.
November: You know what... I really need to get better at listening for signals amongst the noise.
December: The first day of Summer brings with it many changes, not least of which is a brand new blog template...
Current Mood:
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