
sunflower template

sunflower templateThere's a downside to working full time, having had very Wintery weather of late and the fact that the majority of my images are locked away on the new, and currently inaccessible, external hard drive...

A distinct lack of photos for making new templates...

Add to that the fact that we're going to Melbourne in a month (as I messaged Ma this morning "30 days hath September, and we hath that many days before Melbourne) and I know I'm going to come back with a bunch of shots that could make good templates (that's what started this whole photo template idea after all). So part of me did consider hanging on for another month... although I do like a good solid routine... and I've only just gotten into this seasonal template thing.

Fortunately I do take photos for all occasions... and what's more vibrant and Spring-like than a big-ass sunflower?

Now, as I also stated last year... and will more than likely state again next Spring... if only the weather would hurry up and be more Springy. Especially since it teased us a couple of weeks ago with some beautiful weather before descending back into m'eh.

And hopefully by the beginning of October, Spring will have reached Melbourne too... I will be packing layers though...

Current Mood:

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