A distinct lack of photos for making new templates...
Add to that the fact that we're going to Melbourne in a month (as I messaged Ma this morning "30 days hath September, and we hath that many days before Melbourne) and I know I'm going to come back with a bunch of shots that could make good templates (that's what started this whole photo template idea after all). So part of me did consider hanging on for another month... although I do like a good solid routine... and I've only just gotten into this seasonal template thing.
Fortunately I do take photos for all occasions... and what's more vibrant and Spring-like than a big-ass sunflower?
Now, as I also stated last year... and will more than likely state again next Spring... if only the weather would hurry up and be more Springy. Especially since it teased us a couple of weeks ago with some beautiful weather before descending back into m'eh.
And hopefully by the beginning of October, Spring will have reached Melbourne too... I will be packing layers though...
Current Mood:

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