2007: the year in review

I'm stealing from myself this time... I posted a version of this last year... but I think that possibly it's one of those perpetual things, you could do it every year...

Actually I did have a bigger and more complicated "end of year" meme that I was going to post, but it's too fricken hot here to sit and think of lots of answers, so we'll make do with this much easier meme.

Post the first sentence from the first post of every month of 2007.

Yaniblog07 looked something like this...

January: Oh man... what a start to the year...

February: I'm guessing the shots from today's Random Hotness will be all over everywhere in the next few days... but that doesn't stop me from adding my two cents.

March: What a difference five years can make...

April: The ongoing saga of the tee shirt I've been trying to get from the East End Rundle Street Market continued today...

May: You know when you're little and your mother tells you "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"?

June: Another dip into the archives for tonight's rather late Photo Friday entry...

July: Both Paul and Tony tagged me with this one... then Brenton did his version... and the only reason that it's taken me this long to post my reply is I couldn't quite figure out what secrets that I cared to share hadn't already made their way into the blog at some earlier point...

August: I know... another Wednesday, another meme... goodness only knows where this one came from.

September: Do you know what I love more than anything else in the world?

October: *cue campy Batman teevee show theme music*

November: Bad behaviour that is!

December: Yes it's officially Summer now, and don't we know it!

Current Mood:


Muzbot said...

Twas a good year.
Happy New Year Yani.

yani said...

It wasn't too bad...

And Happy Nude Rear to you as well Muzzy-san ;)