Post the first sentence from the first post from every month of 2006.
So here's the year that was yaniblog...
January: Happy New Year Everyone!
February: This is most definitely the gayest template I've come up with so far...
March: Yes, it's the first of the month, so it's time for a new template!
April: Normally, because today is the first of the month I would have a new template to wow you all with...
May: To celebrate the fact that all the leaves are turning colour and falling off the trees at the moment, today's Monday Montage is all about autumn colour...
June: Today's Random Hotness came about from a photo in the fashion section of the Sunday Mail...
July: You are an Atheist
August: Ah, the joys of having to "train" a new hairdresser...
September: Originally I was going to use one of the shots from yesterday's trip to Port Adelaide for my Photo Friday post (and actually did for a while if you were paying attention)...
October: The second to last part of my IPIP-NEO Personality test results...
November: There was a bunch of stuff that happened during yesterday's roving adventures that I kind of want to blog about, but nothing of any great importance that would require a full-on story...
December: Okay, I know this is a Christmas ribbon, rather than an appropriate ribbon for World AIDS Day...
Current Mood:

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