
lovin myself sick dotpoints

lovin myself sick in this shirtI tell ya what... I've been "lovin' myself sick" for most of today...
  • Wore my new stripy shirt... so I was feeling all crisp and stylish...
  • Swapped from my usual bodyspray fragrance to the new Instinct fragrance this morning, and it's all spicy (cardamom, amber and atlas cedarwood to produce "a spicy scent of leather"), and because it's new and I've been using the old one for such a long time, I could smell it on myself all day long... yummy...
  • I'm back in The Nut House, which is awesome... essentially I feel like I'm "home" again... even though the team is slightly different yet again, and the dynamic is about to change again when Rockchick leaves... but various other people around the place were pleased to see me too, so that's always nice...
  • Felt very proactive (which is an awful buzzword, but often a good thing to be) and got things on track at various points during the day, which always feels good...
  • Since I started today, it's going to be a very short week, plus I get to wear casual gear tomorrow...
Current Mood:

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