I had to take my car back to Ultra Tune so Nice Mechanic Man could fix the cable he didn't have last week and fit a new aerial. Woohoo, I had an aerial. Although not one of the electric ones, because they cost over $400, so screw that! In fact, NMM didn't even order the electric aerial in when he found out how much it cost.
While my car was being attended to, Ma and I did the Supermarket Safari thing while chatting of SYTYCD and inappropriate conversations with bosses... and once we'd done everything we needed to, including buying two new pillows for my bed that are actually firm and may help with my back, headed back home and done the unpacking and the perusing of the paper, NMM called me to say that the car was ready. Woohoo!
Once we'd picked up the car and brought it back here, we headed out to the framing place (see, just like last week so far), but actually got to take the frames away with us (and I just remembered that I didn't take a photo of them... in fact they never made it out of the boot of Ma's car... I'll have to take a shot sometime between now and Christmas... probably once we begin the wrapping extravaganza).
Thankfully the white tags were gone, and although I could have been totally anal retentive (when we bought them I really should have sat down with a pair of scissors and cut off every single loose piece of thread and whatnot so that they were as perfect as humanly possible before they were framed), they're actually not something I'm going to have to see more than once a year, so what do I care. They do look great though. As does the birthday card I bought Ma this year now that she's had it all professionally matted up (even if the frame was a cheapy).
Next stop (still following the script from last week) was Arndale... and one of Big W's regular DVD sales. Woohoo. I got everything on my list (bar one thing, but I don't think that it's out yet) plus a couple of randoms besides (I can't help it... I'm a movie junkie).
Then we kinda went off script... like last week, we ended up driving from Arndale to just the other side of the city, but we were looking for One Rundle Trading Company (which is neither at number 1 on the street it's on, nor is it on any version of a street named Rundle). We found it eventually, but it was pretty much a total fluke. It's a pretty store with a lot of pretty things... but damn it's expensive. So we just wandered around, manhandled much of the pretty and then ran away.
And that was about as exciting as the day got... other than a brief detour to Bunnings on the way home so Ma could buy bubblewrap, but I wouldn't say that came under the heading of exciting either.
Next week there should be art though...
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