Bernice, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
The Universe seems to hate me today...
I'm going to start from the end of the story and work backwards. After Ma and I had pretty much finished all our running around for the day and were about to maybe head out and grab something to eat, I don't even know what I was doing... I know I'd just put my shoes on, and I think I might have been getting my wallet of the kitchen counter... when suddenly my usually helpfully somewhat double jointed limbs attacked me...
I felt my knee dislocate... the kneecap slid completely out of place and down I went... and on the way down, because I couldn't control the way I was falling, I actually managed to pop my kneecap back into position as I fell.
This is never good... I've previously dislocated my shoulder three times and eventually had to go into hospital and have a shoulder reconstruction... and this is not something I want to start replicating with my knees... No thank you sir!
I think I went into shock a little bit afterwards... I felt like I was going to throw up, I ended up having a little bit of a cry and I didn't want to move my leg or straighten it or anything... and I got really cold eventually (that might have been the bag of frozen chicken stock that Ma made me hold against my knee though).
Luckily I did it while Ma was still here (although on the flip side I do wonder if I would have done it at all if she hadn't been here... but I'm never going to know, and that way lies the way of crazy thoughts...
So currently I'm a very, very, very, very, very sore and sorry yani... I think my knee is okay, it has swollen up like a fricken grapefruit, and I can't really put any weight on it (thank the proverbial that I actually own a walking stick/cane, which is helping a little) but if it hasn't improved enough by tomorrow I might have to get Ma to take me to the Emergency Room just to get them to check it out, maybe get a set of crutches... because I can't really put any weight on it, and if I straighten it out totally so that my kneecap tries to lock into place, it feels like it's going to pop out again... *whimper*... and there's some form of unidentified boo-boo on my wrist... I have no idea where the hell that came from... whether I got carpet burn as I fell (which seems possible) or what... no idea...
Knowing my luck I've actually ripped the tendons holding my knee in place like I did with my shoulder and it will need some sort of reconstruction, but really, really, really hopefully that's a worse case scenario... *crosses fingers, toes and all appropriate body parts... but not legs, because I think that might hurt*
I'm not completely sure that the hell I'm going to do about Monday... I know for damn sure that I won't be walking in the morning... in fact unless it improves in leaps and bounds, I can't see myself going for my walk all week (which is just going to make me all crankylike)... and quite possibly I might have to call in sick from work, and that WOULD suck because the Curse of the Temp states that if you don't work, you don't get paid... *sulk*
It's doubly irritating, because I was kind of planning on taking a trip to the sauna tonight... so there goes that plan out the window... and because the Universe just loves to kick you when you've already fallen on your arse, I got a message from somebody I hooked up with a while back to see if I was up for another session tonight (which I might not have bothered with if I had been hitting the sauna, but if could have been good as a "warm up act")... dammit...
But backtracking to the beginning of the day, it does seem a little bit like it might have been a case of "Good News, Bad News" all day long...
Shopping all went well, so that was Good News (although I did manage to drop a pre-prepared Indian meal thing out of my little "basket trolley" onto the floor, so that was Bad News)... It seemed like it was going to be sufficiently windy to go kite flying, so again, Good News... then we made it down to the beach and it was WAY too windy to manage to fly our kites properly, Ma's just did suicidal spirals, and the strings on mine got completely and utterly tangled, meaning I had to sit there and concentrate on untangling the whole thing for about ten minutes (literally), so that's two lots of Bad News...
So we headed over to West Lakes to visit JB HiFi to get a couple of cheap DVDs (one I really wanted, The Wrong Man... and one that was a purchase of opportunity, being The Court Jester, which I probably wouldn't have thought about if we hadn't been quoting from it earlier this week at work), so that was Good News...
Then we headed back to the beach and, although I don't think the wind had died down that much, we figured we might try flying my kite anyway, which was supposed to be Good News... and it was, for about five minutes, if that, before the little rubber plug that held the center of the kite to the middle strut completely sheared off and disappeared... I felt the kite "give", but I couldn't work out what was wrong, it looked fine, but when we launched it again it kinda divebombed after a couple of minutes... so, yeah, dead kite... which was fairly Bad News... but really, it was a $7 kite, so neither of us were crying about it too much.
But we decided to head into town since it was still fairly early, and check out The Kite Shop... which was a very, very, very dangerous thing to do... possibly Good News, but a little scary none-the-less. Turns out that they don't really stock anything in a "stunt kite" for less than around $65... which is just fricken scary (surely there's a market out there for a fairly functional but reasonably priced stunt kite somewhere in the $30-$40 range)... and while I could have just gone backwards and gotten something with a single string that was all decorative and would have looked groovy on my bedroom wall, I really wanted something more interesting than that... and we chatted to the nice lady and she showed us what she had, and some of the prices were just frightening (as was the concept of a "four string kite")... but I guess if you've progressed up to wanting a stunt kite, then you've maybe been through a range of cheaper single string kites already, I dunno...
Anyway, while I probably should have gone with the standard "Well, you've given us a lot to think about, we'll have to come back another day" thing, Ma happened to whisper to me that she would give me half of the price... and the nice lady said that she would knock $10 off the kite I was thinking about... and before I knew it I was saying that I would take the black Detonator kite with the red, orange and yellow flame design on it for the grand total of $100...
I'm still not exactly sure if that is Good News or Bad News to be honest... the fact that I spent a stupid amount of money that I won't really have for that long on something that is basically a complete and total indulgence and absolutely non-essential probably isn't good... but on the other hand I have an awesome stunt kite with flames on it which came with it's own carry bag and some funky wrist straps... which is currently hanging over the head of my bed (and looks pretty damn cool I have to say).
Part of me really wishes that we'd found somewhere close by to try it out (anything so that I hadn't been standing in the house at the moment when I popped my knee)... but at the time I was suffering from a little bit of a Shopping Coma and couldn't bring myself to make a complete sentence or do anything that would really and truly confirm that I'd actually spent $100 on a kite (okay, technically only $50 since Ma gave me the other half, but still)... *sigh*
Oh well... it happened, I can't make it unhappen as much as I might like to, I just have to deal with it...
I could really do with some snuggling that doesn't screw up my knee right now... just somebody to put their arms around me and make it feel like it's all better... *double sigh*
Okay, enough now, before I really start feeling sorry for myself...
Current Mood:

A cyber hug probably doesn't feel as comforting but no matter - *hugz*. Hope you're feeling better. :)
Ta Sunshine... I'm still feeling a little sorry for myself, but I'll live...
Ouch! Hope it clears up... lots of Rice needed (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) That or scotch. :)
I've only really being R and E and the occasional I... but I bought a C tonight and something that I can I with much more easily... so I'll be making with the RICE... ;)
you poor thing yani! hope you get lots better soon! mwah! loves ya baby
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