
new jeans

new jeans, pocket detailI've commented a few times that since I started my daily walks way back in October, my jeans don't fit me quite so well, and in fact, keep sliding off me... and since denim stretches with wear anyway, they just keep getting worse and worse until I dump them in the wash...

So it's occured to me for a while that I probably need new jeans, but I haven't gotten around to it as yet... and then when I did take a look in Target, they didn't seem to have any of the stylish jeans in funky washes etc that they've had in the past, just the really boring and ugly "regular" kind... no thank you!

But, as the picture over there on the right confirms (not to mention this blog title), I got me some funky new jeans today, complete with interesting pocket detail... the patch is actually a cut out section with the other fabric used to cover it... not entirely sure what's up with it, but it looks groovy.

And I'm happy to report I went down a size (although I'm not sharing from what to what)... possibly helped slightly by the fact that the new jeans are "relaxed fit", so they're not overly tight anyway... and it would have been nice to go down a couple of sizes... but still, you should never look a gift equine in the oral region... so, yaaaay me...

Current Mood: cheerful

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