
i'm a dork

my walkOkay, this was initially supposed to be part of the previous post, but it kind of got too big for it's own good, so it got it's own post...

Pretty much just proves the title of this entry really...

So, for anyone who's interested (The Other Andrew, I'm looking at you...) the map on the right is my route around North Adelaide, complete with some notations... I really am a dork... see...

It's not really my fault, yesterday I found a link on one of the other sites I visit to a site called Frappr! which will let groups, etc set up a map of their users/participants/whatever (you paying attention there Ethan? *grin*)... In addition to the lovely map view you see on the first page of the site, they also have a "Satellite" view, which, I think, uses images from Google Earth (the images have little Google watermarks on them)... anyway, I put myself down on this map as being in Adelaide, and it set the marker down in the middle of Rundle Street for some reason. Not that I mind being in the middle of Rundle Street, but for a generic "Adelaide" point, it was a little strange.

Of course, so then I had to see if I could find my house... which I did... then I tried to find Ma's house... only to find the maps give up detail at about Pooraka (or about halfway between my place and Ma's place)... oh well...

I came back to North Adelaide and took a look at my walking route, then decided I could make a map out of it (see... me, big dork)... That led to two tries at marking out my route on the map, followed by the addition of some comments about various things.

The Dopey Doberman is the dog I mentioned the other day that scared me by standing up on it's hind legs...

The Roman Frieze House was part of the Houses photopost...

The Psycho Alsation is a dog that barks EVERY time I go past... but it only seems to bark at ME. I swear! Several times (today included) there have been other walkers going in the opposite direction to me, and the dumb dog never barks at them. But me, any time it's out there, without fail, it goes off it's nut at me. Okay, except for once... when it was laying down... other than that, EVERY time! *mutter*

And the cute construction workers... okay, so they aren't all cute... and they aren't as cute as some people who do manual labour (or perhaps just not as well hung hehe)... but there are a couple of cuties... and there was one guy who I went past this morning who was getting things out of his van and was wearing sweatpants (or tracksuit pants as we call them) with either nothing under them, or just boxers... and had that whole "meaty yet defined butt in slightly clingy sweats thing" going on... and that's almost never a bad thing...


So, yeah... the map also shows where I started walking, where I currently walk... as well as the extra bit I hope to add in the not-too-distant future... which will also take me past my old apartment building (so large, so pretty, so private, so secure... *sigh*) but also past the very photo-worthy Carclew Youth Arts Centre building. Maybe I should try adding that bit next Monday...

And for anybody planning on stalking me... well, go right ahead... *rolls eyes*

I think I'm through being a dork now... plus Ma should be calling me very very shortly to come pick her up... ahh... that's her now...

Current Mood: enormous dork


The Other Andrew said...

I couldn't make out the street details in the map, but do any of your routes take you near Ovingham? In 97/98 I lived in Ovingham with an ex. It's such a tiny suburb that even some post office delivery people couldn't find it.

yani said...

That little triangle of non-park in the top left corner is either Ovingham or Bowden..

The Other Andrew said...

Ah yes, that helps me orientate what's what. Quite I nice area that you've chosen for your daily rambles.

yani said...

You never know Ethan ;)

ghostlight said...

Wheres as you are (from what I can tell from the new picture, excellent by the way) quite cute and most definitely stalk-worthy. But I am not like that, besides I'm in Florida. :o) Wish I had such a nice walk as you.