
money, money, money

I got my tax refund cheque in the mail today...

Its the one bonus to working sporadically (or, in this case, for only 6 out of 12 months), I always end up with a big fat refund cheque.

I think this one is actually the biggest one yet at around $1800.

My problem always comes around to how to spend it... by the time I've actually gotten the cheque (at least the last three years), I haven't been working, and the money has usually just gone to pay off Mr Visa, and to give me some breathing room for a little while.

But this year I'd promised myself I was going to get back to Melbourne again, on my own... Partly to have large amounts of sex, but partly to prove (if only to myself) that going to Melbourne ISN'T a huge production and doesn't require a three mile run up to get me there.

And now that I have the cheque, I'm having second thoughts...

I can't work out if its just the whole fear thing talking, or whether its my common sense, saying "save the money, you'll probably need it". Course, then other body parts chime in on the conversation, for obvious reasons... and all of us who own one know that they'll say anything to get what they want.

Another part of me (no, a whole other part this time) says "go and finally buy a digital camera"...

So none of the voices in my head will be quiet for more than 30 seconds and its a little hard to think with all that noise.

Of course, now I'm wondering if I could actually manage to do all of it with the money, pay off Mr Visa, go to Melbourne and buy a cheap but functional digital camera... I just don't think I would have any money left over.

Now my head really hurts...

Current Mood: my brain hurts


ghostlight said...

Ugh!! I feel you pain, money problems are always the worse!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. GIVE IT TO ME. I promise it'll be in safe hands.