In a related set of images from last week's post... I've never wanted to play a family member of a character I'm currently playing quite as much as I want to play Quill's son with all the names. His daddy named him Kipper, Quill calls him Bo, he gets to choose between either of their surnames depending on his mood... because, as the section on Gnomes in the Player's Handbook says...
Gnomes love names, and most have half a dozen or so. A gnome’s mother, father, clan elder, aunts, and uncles each give the gnome a name, and various nicknames from just about everyone else might or might not stick over time.
Anyway... this week's DnD Character Colouring Book is the three stages of Kipper "Bo" Bafflestone-Silverthread... the happy-go lucky boy I first created... the post-destruction of Ten Towns/death of his father goth phase... and his final Ranger form, now with an artificial leg. I'll probably update him again when and if Heroforge updates the site with actual prosthetic leg options.
Also the fact that I'd decided that those tattoos in the final form were to mark the death of important people in his life. Which means that the first tattoo to honour his father will have been done a lot younger than I would have otherwise assumed.
What I think has caught my attention the most is the fact that this is a character who I've envisioned a possible future for, but I'm currently playing through events that influence and alter his past, changing that possible future. And that's not something I've ever done in a game. I have thought about it after games, but never to the extent where I want to actually play them.
I don't think I explained that properly, but you kinda get what I mean.
Moving on...
This week was... a series of events that happened in a linear fashion. Yes, because that's how time works you fucking moron.
I made chicken noodle soup this week. Perfectly serviceable, even if the weather itself couldn't make it's mind up between Summer heat the first couple of days... then, just, on Thursday, I get woken up by tiny hair at 6:30am, then, by midmorning, you know a thunderstorm that dropped 70,000 lightning strikes across the state by mid afternoon... followed by more giant hale (which didn't fall here thank fuck) and actual gale force winds that evening that fucked up a bunch of trees. So there's that.
Tuesday was the first episode of Campaign 3 of Critical Role... well, actually, the first episode was Thursday last week (Friday our time), but the video only drops on Tuesdays our time, so that's when I watch it. Thus far, with one episode behind me, I'm less excited than last campaign, but possibly more intrigued.
As I didn't watch their first campaign (other than a variety of clips on the YouTubes), Campaign 2 was the one I started from the beginning, which I think made it more exciting. And this time they're all starting at Level 3, but they didn't reveal full details about their subclasses, so that's definitely a source of the intrigued. Mostly, I was to see how they manage to bring together what feels like a much more disparate group of characters. Like, some of them don't even really feel like they belong in the same universe. But we'll see what happens.
I'm mostly just happy they've started the new campaign. Plus, Liam's playing a halfling, and we all know how I feel about halflings.
Thursday was... a fucking day.
And given that everything was actually fine and I was basically having a freak out, I'll try and keep this brief.
Because of the aforementioned storm/hail I wanted to check in and let Ma know what was coming, generally check in... I sent her a message, didn't get a reply, called her mobile, no answer, called a few more times, no answer... so, you know... I started to get a little freaked out. I continued to call a number of times, fully expecting either a call back or the phone to finally connect because she had it sitting somewhere in the house that somehow wasn't talking to the network. And then the freak out settled in in earnest, because, you know, none of us are getting any younger... and as far as I knew, there was no reason why she shouldn't have been picking up the phone.
So, a number of unanswered phone calls and a few messages left later, I was out the door, in the car, and had just turned the engine on... when Ma called me back.
She'd been at a funeral, so obviously, she'd turned her phone off. And I chose that particular period of time to call her.
So, maybe I had a tiny bit of a breakdown in the car park of my apartment block. I was fine shortly after, but, yeah... big freakout, little breakdown, better now. And everything is fine.
Then Thursday night was finally DnD night... and my turn at DMing again. With guest star, Fluffy, as an actual player instead of DM. It was a good session... didn't exactly go how I thought it might... and because it's the fucking Thursday night group, the monsters who were supposed to fuck them up didn't hit... anybody... at all. I think.
Which is annoying. But, you know, they were having a good time. And I was okay with that.
Friday was our actual 2 year DnD anniversary. Two years of Friday night games, except those weeks we didn't play and the time we all had to play from inside our own houses. Ahh... those were the days... I mean, they were definitely days, I never said they were good.
And to celebrate, I made three cheese and chive bread. Which was pretty good... mostly because I put a lot of cheese and a whole pack of chives in it. I mean, everything is better with cheese.
Also, leading off from last week's discussion about fictional husbands and fictional sons and fictional trauma... we had the tail end of that this week. But we also had some of those roleplay narrative moments that you couldn't script more perfectly if you tried.
But I was very happy to leave my fictional son in the hands of the wonderful himbo that is the leader of the rangers he's apprenticed to. I have to give it to DM Fluffy... he made that himbo just exactly the right kind of character for Quill to put her trust in.
So it was, mostly, much discussion, many decompressing, such catharsis. Very talky... but we loves us some talky DnD. Overall, a good session though.
Today was fine.
We did the supermarket thing... I'm making Tuna Noodle Do again this week... because the weather can't decide what season it is. And that's good, hot or cold.
Afterwards I did a little Tech Support on Ma's computer, because she called me yesterday and trying to talk her through what should have been an incredibly simple thing turned into me wanting to bang my head on things. I suspect the problem is that Ma's computer is getting on a bit, for some reason doesn't seem to want to download updates and is now being asked to do 2021 things and doesn't seem to like it.
But I did what I could, which was mostly resetting up her browser because it had shat the bed. So at least there's that.
Then we did the Spotlight/Officeworks shuffle. And, honestly, going to Spotlight on the Saturday/day before Halloween is possibly a horrible idea... but I did find a couple of fun things that were marked down, including a giant plastic battlehammer for less than $6, that I in no way need, but also couldn't leave without.
And, honestly, the looks I got from several small children (they were thoroughly confused/delighted) and the comment I got from one dude in his 20's when I went to price check it ("that's cool") made it more than worth it.
We mostly just had a look at display books and laptops once we got to Officeworks... and is it me, or are laptops really fucking tiny these days. Like this beefy boy I'm using right now is a decent size and has a decent sized screen... the ones we saw all look titchy by comparison. Weird.
That's it really... we did the Officeworks wander, came back here, and that was it.
Current mood: