
photo saturday: fey buddies

yako, oleander and bassam - my fey buddies
You call forth a fey spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. When you cast the spell, choose a mood. Fuming, Mirthful, or Tricksy. The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood.

My halfling bard, Harland, the one I built in a previous blog post, got the Summon Fey spell when he got his magical secrets spells as a bard... and of course, since he sat out the last game (which I won) in the Feywild, I had to make the spirits be creatures that he'd met while he was away. He finally got to use the spell in this week's game (and, sidebar... it's a good spell)... so I can finally reveal his three Fey buddies he calls on, one for each mood.

We have Yako... my Tricksy fey friend, named not for the Animaniac (his has two K's), but in honor of a type of kitsune, although he does get summoned by using a line from the Animaniac's theme song.

Then Oleander, because who better to name the Fuming spirit after than a poisonous plant... she's straight out of A Midsummer Night's Dream, so gets summoned likewise.

And lastly Bassam, who is absolutely just the Genie from Aladdin... but technically a slyph, or fey wind spirit. He didn't get summoned last game, but he, obviously gets the Disney movie reference.

He's also the only one that didn't go through about four or five reboots. Yako had a black and white version, an all dark version, then a regular fox version, before I settled on the purple... and Oleandar got completely redone when Hero Forge dropped a full fairy/nature outfit. I also like that she looks like a cute little fairy but instead is the angriest of the three.

Also, I had fun overdesigning the background of the image... with the rainbow and the border and the text of the spell along the border.


I made chilli this week. Well, mostly. I forgot to buy more tinned tomatoes, so it was a little lacking. At least it was better than the last time I attempted it.

I had my appointment with Lovely Physio Man on Thursday... I'd done my exercises for the previous week and a half, and he poked and prodded me appropriately, only to decide that it may not be a Frozen Shoulder after all, and that he wants me see a rheumatologist... which, not gunna lie, I was a lot more chill about until I just looked up what they actually do/are.

I mean, I'm here for the fact that he wants to be sure, and I want to have a functional shoulder again... but it's never, ever fucking simple is it.

*le sigh*

Thursday night's DnD was good... I mean it was basically exploring things and murdering other things. Even though a lot of the other things were kind of already dead. Ghosts, dontchaknow.

But it all worked out well, we did all the hero things, killed the bad guy, and I was the deciding factor in making us all forgot a memory because of reasons. DnD man... you can't script this shit.

Friday before DnD, Fluffy came over as per usual, but we watched the movie, Klaus. And I'm not doing a full review, for reasons that will soon become apparent, but... I hated it.

Okay, maybe that's a little on the strong side. 

It was a very beautiful looking movie for the most part. The backgrounds are stunning, but there was just something about the 2D animation made to look 3D with lighting and texture... but also with some 3D elements in there... more power to them for, you know, forging a new path and doing something new with 2D animation, but I just feel like it may have been a bridge too far.

Also, Looney Tune was 100% an inspiration for a large number of the character designs... there were some characters who were so very much extras out of old Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck cartoons that it just felt like... Space Jam: A Christmas Movie. That's not quite the right analogy... but it definitely had the "you've pushed this too far into 3D" feeling to it.

And the main (yet not titular) character. The postman. Fuck him. I hated him the whole movie. They started out with him being a thoroughly unlikeable, whiney, entitled manchild and did not make him likeable by the end. Oh, they thought they did, with their sappy musical timelapse and the addition of a small child character who has no personality besides "doesn't speak English". They were very wrong. I also didn't care about him, or his pointless and unearned love interest or the stupid townsfolk (including the plethora of children who get neither names nor personalities beyond "child"). 

Not to mention some very uninspired villains, who barely get names or personalities, and who get neither their comeuppance nor any real explanation for why they're the way they are. Oh, because "tradition" in that one scene... cool. Fuck you movie. 

And as for the titular Klaus. He has a painfully obvious tragic backstory and no real personality.

The movie just went down the list of "we need this reference to the Santa mythos" without stopping to actually create characters or tell an interesting story. And no, because it's "a children's movie", doesn't mean that you are allowed to get away with that.

As I said after it was over... fuck this movie.

Fluffy, who has seen it before, did not agree with me.

Friday night's DnD was... pretty okay. Certainly less stressful than the previous couple of sessions. We did some exploring, killed a beasty that might have turned us to stone without that happening, and a new mystery to be solved. So, good times.

It did end up as a late night though, with one thing and another.

Also, Mrs bought Fluffy and I a Dice Advent Calendar each... and I won't lie, slightly harder to resist than one containing chocolate. But I also feel like 90% of the ones I had when I was a kid were just the flat cardboard ones without anything fun in them. But, that doesn't kick off until next Wednesday, so stay tuned.

Today was... the supermarket.

Given that the weather still seems to think it's roughly September or October, I decided on making a quiche this week... nothing fancy. And probably not until Monday night.

Otherwise, we did the usual supermarket thing and then came back here.

And that was it really, because, as much as I honestly do not care about doing it, Ma wants to put the Christmas tree up. So, come tomorrow morning, off up the road to parts more north than me I go. Urgh.

But that's it really.

Current mood:

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