
photo saturday: pigeon and the jetty

señor pigeonglenelg jetty #327

I don't have anything for the Colouring Book this week... I mean, there's stuff, it exists... I'm just not feeling it.

So instead we dip into those leftover photos from March last year... Señor Pigeon and Glenelg Jetty #327.

This week's soup was CHOWDAH! Well, technically it was chunky potato soup with choirzo... but essentially, that's just chowder. Tasty, tasty chowder.

Thursday's DnD game was something of a record for our Candlekeep adventures... we got through a chapter/adventure in a single session. A very fun session, guest DM'd by Fluffy, but short. There wasn't, as they say, a lot of there there. But fun enough while it lasted. And, honestly, it gave my character a perfect excuse to leave the party for a little while and for me to be absent as a player next week, because it's my turn to DM again.

*insert evil genius cackling here*

Which, honestly, is some bullshit, because I'm the least Evil Genius Laugh DM ever.

But it'll be interesting to dive back into the chair again. Especially since I basically picked the... only two adventures thus far (and at all I think) that take place entirely inside Candlekeep.

Friday night's DnD was ARGH followed by Fuck Yeah followed by ARGH. The first ARGH was left over from last week... big bad dragon heading for civilisation, which was also too many hours away for us to get there quickly, while we're on the doorstep of a bad guy lair we really want to explore. Then the fuck yeah of us wiping the floor with the first room of the lair, then having the most interesting conversation with a very nice lady and finding out that the dragon was 100% going off to fuck up all our shit and we needed to haul ass back to town real fast. So a big ARGH there.

Fun, once again, but also ARGH.

Also, if Fluffy kills off my graph paper husband or graph paper son, we will have words. I mean, if that happens, I will have the most fun roleplaying it, and it might be a severe psychological reaction, I don't know. But he still better not.

Today wasn't anything. Well, it was... bit wasn't.

We did the supermarket... I bought stuff, with which I'm going to make a food item. I dunno... it's probably stew of some sort... stew vs savoury mince vs whatever. Stuff. That is food. And that I will eat. All week.

Then we dicked about at my place for a bit, before Ma headed home and I headed off to get my second vaccination shot.

Interestingly the experience could not have been more different from the first time. In so much as a) I knew what I was doing this time and b) all the staff I interacted with were much less personable than the first time, and the nurse who gave me my shot could not have given LESS of a shit. Like literally... her giving a shit gauge was fully empty. Which made it less fun. I mean, not that it was FUN... you know what I mean.

But that's done now.

Current mood:

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