
photo saturday: my boys

bo - ranger, forester, drake wardenandir - aasimar, lutist, cleric

In the last two Friday DnD campaigns I've played characters with silver/white hair who either start out the game as a mother or became one by the campaign wrap up. And both times they've been boy children.

And because I'm me, I designed the child version of those characters, but then my mind gets to thinking and I end up designing a grown up version also. Because it's not like I don't have enough half-formed characters in the hopper, I clearly need to add more.

So here we have Quill's son Bo and Nightingale's half-angel boy Andir. And yes, Bo is called Kipper in the current timeframe, but gnomes take on as many names as people will give them and use them as they see fit. So the grown up version uses the nickname his mother always called him and his father's surname.

I will say that had DM Fluffy not decided to tie my backup character (quite artfully, it must be said) to Kipper/Bo, I might not have thought of turning him into a whole character. But, really, where do future adventurers come if not from the children of current adventurers?

Also, I blame Hero Forge, because they dropped a whole lot of tattoo and war paint decals last Thursday... and I really wanted to play with some visible tattoo ideas. I decided later that each of the tattoos (and there are 15 in total, only five of which are visible) denote someone he has lost. Whether that's friends, fellow rangers, lovers, family or what, I don't know. But I like that idea. Alternatively they might just be important events, some of which happen to be people he's lost. Either way.

Plus the idea of him having this particular ranger subclass caught my attention... the final version isn't out yet, it doesn't drop until later this year, him having a similarly sized wingless dragon friend as very appealing. And there's a lot of very interesting art out there of those kind of beasties.

Not that, you know, I'm likely to ever actually PLAY this character... but I wouldn't mind dipping into that subclass at some point, so we'll just call it research.

I know when I originally made Andir, I had ideas about what his class was going to be... and maybe he was supposed to be a paladin... there's some sense in that honestly... but I also like that he followed at least a little in his "father's" footsteps. But for a different god. Plus I love some of the naming conventions that have been devised for some of the different churches... and Paramour for goddess of love is just perfection.

Oh, and sidebar, I know that Aasimar (half-angels basically) are supposed to look human... but his mother was a drow and his father was possible a goliath who got turned into an angel or possible the divine essence of the natural world focussed into taking the form of a baby. Nobody knows and Nightingale ain't telling. 

I just wish there were better options for having a character who is a stick/eskrima/baston fighter other than just reflavouring low damage clubs.

Also, yes, I am aware they're wearing the same pants... they're good pants... lots of straps, much detail. It's also fascinating to me that they're in the exact same pose, but something about the height difference of about 3'5" and 5'10" that renders parts of the pants very differently.


You know how I said the plumbers/tradies, Grubby and Thighs, came to visit last week and looked at the roof and the leak thereof and I said that they had "fixed the issue in theory".

They made it worse. Or, to be fair to them, they may not have made it worse, but they didn't make it any better. And when we got a morning full of rain on Wednesday I looked up from what I was doing to watch two drips run the full length of the wall. So I reported it immediately, the plumber people contacted me on Thursday and they're coming out next Wednesday.

So there's that. Cue additional stress right there.

I made CHOW-DAH this week... sorry, but The Simpsons episode, The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Season 5, Episode 20 from May 1994) has ruined that word for everybody who grew up with that show. But it wasn't bad chow... chow... chowder... there, I did it. I think that I've made thicker versions in the past, but this was quite tasty overall.

Thursday's DnD session was good... appropriately weird and stressful, but good. And I may have used the phrase "that horse is up to something"...

Friday's DnD session was almost sans bread... because I generally get it sorted out for the second proving at about 4:30... and suddenly it was 5:15 and I realised I hadn't done shit all about it.

The session itself was good... although we're all very dumb... because a thing that DM Fluffy has been, with hindsight, hinting at came to pass and we didn't expect it. Or at least, I didn't. And now I have two spell slots left and the party in general has reduced health and we have to fight (or maybe not... who can tell... my character definitely wants answers from this foe) what I thought was going to be a much later game enemy.

Today was short and sweet.

We did the supermarket, I forgot to pick up my mask, thankfully they have disposable ones at the entrance. We came back, unpacked, faffed about a bit and then Ma went home super early because... honestly, going out and doing non essential things just isn't any fun right now.

Current mood:

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