
photo saturday: father daughter dragonborn

zzilar - mercenary, haunted, servant of bahamutseyr - teenager, noble, house of vilzriquathic

Some father/daughter DnD Character Colouring Book for our first real post of the year. Zzilar ("two z's, at the front" as he usually introduces himself) and Seyr, silver dragonborns, he's a paladin of Bahamut, she's a draconic sorceress.

She was also never supposed to be a character I played. She was part of Zzilar's backstory when I had to make him at very short notice after my original Curse of Strahd character got herself a little bit dead. Zzilar's wife/Seyr's mother died, but I gave him the bond that he wanted to make the world a better place for his child. He carried around a book of dragonborn nursery rhymes that had been hers as a child, complete with a drawing of the family, that I turned into an actual real world artifact (and how I learned book binding). But then I really wanted to play a Draconic Sorcerer, so a dragonborn just make sense to me. And why not use the dragonborn I already had.

Originally I had envisioned her as being about 8... but I also figured that he'd been away for some time, and who knows how time works between planes of existance, so I bumped both of their ages up to make her a teenager.

He wields a magic glaive taken from the tomb of Strahd's father, she pulls her powers from both the ice powers of the silver dragon who watches over their line, but also from fire. Because she's a silver dragonborn and has silver draconic heritage as a sorcerer, some of her stuff overlaps, and I should probably look at that at some point, but, honestly, I don't know when I'll get around to actually playing either of them again.

And, honestly, I went with the two of them because he came up in conversation at DnD last night.

These were also some of the earlier colouring jobs that I did, although I think I stared a version of Zzilar that I never finished, instead I went in and reworked the pose into something that worked a little better.


Honestly I don't have that much to share this week. Not that I haven't ready shared.

Sunday I did fuck all. Monday I did likewise. Tuesday Fluffy and I went up to Mr and Mrs's place to play boardgames with a friend of theirs who was in town. It was fun. We screwed the game up, but had fun anyway, the friend is definitely our type of nerd... maybe even a little more hardcore honestly.

Wednesday I did fuck all. Thursday I did all the NYE things I've already written about. Friday likewise, but then in the evening we had Friday DnD. Interesting developments, some cameos from former allies, some forward momentum, but not a ton. The bread I made was good... so good in fact I forgot to take a single photo of it.

Today was... a thing that happened.

We did the supermarket thing... and I don't know if it was because it was three weeks since I've been shopping with Ma, or it's just the after Christmas thing, but we seemed to buy more than average amount of stuff.

After that we went thataway to visit Cheap as Chips for the looking at things, then thisaway to Spotlight where we investigated their sale items. So I now have a new body pillow and some more decent candles.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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