
photo saturday: family ties

the bafflestone-silverthread family

And so it begins...

I'll circle back around to this, but Friday DnD started our new campaign this week. And for the first time in a proper campaign, I'm going in with a character with an actual family. Not a found family or a nebulous case of "parents and siblings". A husband and a son.

So, this week's DnD Character Colouring Book is Quillamina Silverthread (in her "at home" gown"), her husband Wrenn Bafflestone and their boy, Kipper.

I hadn't thought until just now that I decided to put Quill in blue, a primary colour, but the boys are both in secondary colours, orange and green respectively. Not sure if that was an unconscious choice because primary vs secondary characters... or I was just trying not to have them all in the same/similar colours.


Dwarven potato and leek soup this week. From the Heroes Feast DnD Cookbook once again. And while I've made many, many, many pots of potato and (something) soup in the recent past, this may be one of the thickest soups I've made in a while. And pretty good overall. Definitely something I'll revisit in some way, shape or form.

Tuesday I watched all seven hours of the final episode of the second Critical Role campaign. It's the very definition of being sad that it's over and happy that it happened. And very much proof of how amazing DnD can be when you have a great DM and the players really lean into their characters.

And I absolutely cried.

Thursday's DnD was great. Good character moments... and I discovered things about my character that are definitely a problem, but that gives me something to work through. And not something I've explored before. So that's fun.

But, as I said, we started a new campaign in the Friday DnD game.

The introduction of Session Zeros for this game, which means that we've all had an experience in the world before we came together as a group, have added an interesting dynamic. And it seems as though Fluffy, in his role as DM has seemed to have decided to bolt my backstory to the main narrative at this point. Which is not great for some of the characters connected to my backstory right now.

It definitely gives my character a reason to join up with the group though, which I appreciate. Because, on the surface, I hadn't found one on my own throughout that session.

It's also interesting because this is the first time in... well, a while anyway... where I feel like my choices about a character's personality has come more from the accent I'm choosing to use. The only other time I feel like this happened was with my elven wizard with the hideous French accent... and he just wouldn't shut up. But this is very different experience. And she's turning into a much calmer and thoughtful character because I'm using a softly spoken "Southern US" accent.

Which is kind of fascinating.

I am very interested to see where this particular group of characters goes throughout this story though. And how Quill's goal of going back to her routine and her life pans out in the end.

Today was good.

We did the supermarket thing... I decided to put the DnD cookbook to one side for this week and just make up my own soup this time. Then maybe dip back in next week for either the Halfling Tomato Soup or the Gnomish Lamb Stew... since the characters I'm playing on the regular at the moment are a halfling and a gnome. So there's that.

I had also promised Ma I'd make her sausage rolls for her birthday (because neither of us thought of it in time last week), so we got the supplies for that also.

We also took a side trip to Kmart to investigate sparkly silver nail polish for DnD purposes. Yes, actually.

And then we came back here, put a movie on and I made sausage rolls. Now with fresh thyme and some lemon zest, just, because why the fuck not.

Then, as they say, that was that. I sent Ma on home with half of the leftover sausage rolls and called it a day.

Current mood:

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