
photo saturday: huntress

aryz - huntress, acolyte, dragonborn

The moral of the story I'm about to tell is that if you suggest that you might run a particular DnD adventure for me/my group in the vague, nebulous future, I will possibly already be designing a character for it before you've finished talking. Or at the very least I will have one put together in the following 24 hours.

Rewinding a little... this week's DnD Character Colouring Book is Huntress Aryz, and, like I said up top, she's what happens when someone from the Thursday group says that they might want to run something in the future.

Honestly though, I'm kind of torn between her and Ghost from a few weeks back. I really, really, really want to play a rogue again right now. I think maybe I've been looking at too many DnD Reddit posts about rogues.

But I've never played a full ranger. I've had characters who multiclassed into Ranger, but never very much. And it's the only original class I've never played (I also haven't played an Artificer, but they only got released in 5e properly last year).

And I've dabbled in the idea of a Swarmkeeper a few times, because I like the flavour and mechanics, but I've also been slightly obsessed with the human form of the dragon god Bahamut since I started seeing images of him as a pretty, pretty monk boy... and his human forms travel with seven canaries (which are supposed to be the seven gold dragons who serve his dragon god form)... or seven other creatures. And making one of the new metallic dragonborn as a Swarmkeeper who is descended from one of the gold dragons and also worships Bahamut and believes that all of her magical class and subclass powers come straight from him, works for me.

Also, I played around in Photoshop to take the relatively enormous little birds into much more realistically sized canaries. Plus putting them into places that you can't in HeroForge. And my idea would be that in certain situations the birds basically merge into a single bird, because they're just "intangible nature spirits".. and in other situations the seven birds split into 14 or 21 or whatever.

My idea for her personality basically boils down to "Southern Belle Morning TV Host". How much of that will survive first contact with the table, I don't know.

Anyway... this is all for a campaign that is currently an idea. So into the hopper she goes until I actually know for sure, and then I need to decide between her and Ghost.

Moving on...

I made very lackluster soup this week. Vegetable with kransky... and some random pasta. Not my best work honestly, but I also wasn't really feeling it when I was making it, so there's that.

However, midway through making the soup, while it was simmering, I randomly checked my Instagram, only to discover that Owlgirl is having a baby. Woooo! It also made me feel really fucking old when I realised how old she is, how old she was when we met and how much water has passed under the bridge since then. And now she's making a whole-ass human being.

I couldn't be happier for her and her baby-daddy. Oh, I should not every use THAT phrase again... but, you know, still accurate. Also, literally her husband, but whatever.

I went to see Pretty Physio Man on Tuesday. The shoulder isn't any better but it also isn't any worse, which is something.

He gave me a bunch of exercises which are simple enough but just take five-ever to do. Because three exercises, three sets, ten reps each. So that's 90 for those of you playing along. Fortunately the last one is the easiest.

But I'd like my shoulder back, so we doing them all.

Thursday's DnD was interesting... we normally do a whole roleplay round robin at the start of a new adventure, but this one kind of went off the rails a tiny bit. My character came back from the Feywild and was basically stoned out of his mind for a couple of days, one of the other characters decided to summon devils and went temporarily insane. So there's that.

We did make Guest DM Fluffy weep behind his DM screen a little bit... because this party is just fucking overpowered. And that's me saying this about this group, but even by that metric, this party is a lot.

We didn't really make it all that far into the adventure itself... or it didn't feel that way anyway. But we also murderised all the enemies, so swings and roundabouts.

Friday I got woken up to a surprise... tradies finally fixing the leak in the roof. Yay. Of course, nobody bothered to tell me they coming, they didn't knock on the door or anything and had I not been here, I wouldn't even know that they'd been and gone.

But I finally got to put things back where they're supposed to be after 1000 years. Woo.

Friday night's DnD was delayed due to Mr and Mrs doing things. So Fluffy came down and brought his laptop and we watched some Pixar shorts on Disney+ (Ciao Alberto, excellent... Twenty Something, very sweet... Nona, cute... Loop, odd but lovely) and then watched the first of the Marvel What If? shorts... yeah... it was kinda bad honestly. The animation was pretty enough overall, but the story and some of the voice acting was rough.

We didn't bother beyond the first one.

So the DnD game was a little later than usual, but I made cheese and pepperoni bread, so, once again, swings/roundabouts.

As far as the game itself, we Ocean's 11'd the enemy vault (by which I mean Mr rolled a very bad persuasion check, but the guard rolled even worse and we just walked in the front door of the vault. And walked out with every single item in the vault... except for the statue that caused madness and the gem covered in body dissolving mould. Thankfully it dissolved the really dumb guard and not us... and the madness only affected me and it turned out to be... bittersweet.

Because of course DM Fluffy likes to torture me, the hallucinations my character started having were of her dead husband. And even though she mostly knows it was all in her mind, she got to say goodbye properly and it kind of hurt more when he was gone than when he was there.

And then we did some magic item shopping, trading in the non-magic things we found in the vault for magical shinys.

Then we tried to work out a plan for what comes next. Because we have like half a dozen things we COULD do next. Any one of them will give us a level up, but then that's it for those particular tasks. But we kind of still want to do a large number of them.

We have half of a plan... we'll see how we go.

Today was Second Verse, Same As The First.

Supermarket, shopping, ingredients for chilli of some sort, back here, then off to Spotlight because Ma wanted some cross-stitch thread and I wanted to look at some wool for ideas for things for later. Baby blanket, obviously, shhh.

And that was that.

Current mood:

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