
photo saturday: ghost

ghost - soulknife, shadowtouched, urchin

Meet Ghost. Today's DnD Character Colouring Book entry.

Ghost is what happens when I try to answer the question "what would my version of that subclass look like". And then design it mostly from the outside in. 

In fact, the (originally) blonde hair/black eyebrows and stubble ended up being the catalyst for his whole backstory. Which also is probably one of the darkest/most edgelord ones I think I've put together to date (and weirdly, created him before I started reading the Mistborn book). But he also gets a little mouse friend (on his shoulder in the image), who I gave narrative plot armour to, so we don't have to worry about dead mouse friend after the first encounter with an area of effect spell.

It was also one of those cases that even though I wasn't intending to fully spec him out and give him a backstory, it all kind of just fell into my head fully formed.

He would also be a really different character from a roleplay perspective. Not completely sure it would be an interesting roleplay for me, but it would be challenging.

Plus who doesn't love a psychic chakram. There just aren't enough chakram in things these days.


This week I made... savoury mince again. Nowhere near as good as last time. But serviceable.

Other than a sore arm and a general feeling of blah for the first half of the week, there were no issues after my second vaccination shot last Saturday. Not that I expected any, but I had heard talk that the second shot generally had a more intense reaction... but this was like a 10% up from 6%.

Thursday's DnD game... didn't happen. Perfectly reasonable reasons, but weirdly, given that we finished the last adventure in one week instead of two like all the others, this puts us back on the original timeline. Or it does until we take another week off for reasons.

Friday's DnD was... a lot.

We fought a big old dragon. Which, honestly, was not as stressful as it sounds. We'd been stressed about it since it showed up at the end of the game before last, but, while it... you know, narratively speaking... destroyed basically all the towns in the region and killed a bunch of faceless NPCs, it was all a bit m'eh from a "threat of imminent death" perspective.

When there are only three of you and you, as the druid, cast two spells, a cantrip, do a total of about 9 damage and no combat healing... irrespective of the fact that the rest of your party are a monk and a rogue respectively, hence that's where all the damage lives, and the entire dragon combat takes, I think, three or four rounds split across two different combats.

But then, I think the dragon is more of a Deux Ex Machina/narrative threat more so than a party killing machine. You're supposed to believe, as a party, that it's a massive danger, and, in the right circumstances, it could be. But I think that it's role is to fuck up the locations and characters that the party have spent the last five levels falling in love with. 

And, you know, maybe it's just that I felt ineffectual during the actual fight, not least of all due to the aforementioned 9 damage and basically after setting off two things that would last for the rest of the battle in the second half, I got one instance of a spell effect off... and then the dragon was dead.

Cool, glad I used my last third level slot and my second Wildshape for 6 seconds of in-universe time.

Sure, I did a bunch of stuff outside the dragon fight, and actually wrote my own spell during the week... which, theoretically, saved a bunch of random NPCs by sending a warning, I don't actually know yet how effective it was as we only just finished the battle by the end of the game. And there was a bunch of roleplay stuff for my character this session.

So it wasn't a bad session, by any shape of the imagination, and I'm not calling out DM Fluffy in any way... I'm just overthinking it.

And on top of all of that I still don't know if Fluffy has murdered my graph paper husband and/or son. I mean, technically, the bad evil dwarf guys did the murdering, but you know what I mean. Rolls were made behind the screen for their fate, and in an extremely Schrödinger's cat kind of way, one, both or neither of them are alive, injured or dead, and until we open that particular box, who knows what we'll find.

Moving on.

How is it the middle of October and I'm still basically in soup season? Who the fuck knows, but it is and I am.

Suffice to day, I bought the makings for generic vegetable soup this week. Otherwise, the supermarket was the supermarket.

Afterwards we took a little trip to Cheap as Chips mostly for the Looking At Things. But also, because Ma is always with the knitting these days. Making blankets for charity things I believe. So, wool.

And a bit of poking around the combined Halloween and Christmas section. And while I was tempted by skeleton arms... what do I actually need a pair of skeleton arms for?

But that's that.

Current mood:

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