
photo saturday: amethyst acolyte

brother saryn - amethyst, acolyte, ascendant
Another "what would this look like" DnD Character Colouring Book this week...

I like dragonborn. I've played a few before (three technically, but the third one never got much past second or third level), but I very much enjoy them. And now they've had a bit of a makeover and we have a third type... not just metallic or chromatic, but now there's gem dragonborn.

There is 100% going to be one of those in my future somewhere. Right after I get to play a Fairy character.

Given that the new book is all about dragons in all their forms, it also contains two dragon related subclasses. I've mentioned the Drakewarden before, the other is a Monk subclass, Way of the Ascendant Dragon.

And given that the god of metallic dragons also spent some time dicking around as a very pretty human monk (based on the art they keep using for him) from the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, which also featured in the second DnD adventure I ever played, that seemed like a logical place for the origin of a gem dragonborn monk.

And honestly, if you're going to choose a gem dragonborn type... Amethyst is the way to go. Mostly just because there's no other way to be a purple dragonborn... and most of the other gem types have an equivalent colour in the metallic/chromatic.

I do wish that there was more actual gem dragonborn art in the new book. There's one piece but I would have liked some more, plus a better description of what they're supposed to look like. But, until that happens, I'll just have to make it up for myself.

Which is mostly what this was... an experiment to see how I could make a version of the gem dragonborn given the tools at hand. And I like the results.

Moving on...

After a second trip to the supermarket on Sunday to pick up some eggs, I made Tuna Noodle Doo again this week. It's a good standby because it works just as well reheated as it does cold. And because I couldn't give a fuck this week, okay, mostly because the weather couldn't make it's mind up, I just had it cold all week and it was just fine.

I was vaguely unimpressed with my anti-virus software this week when it demanded that I delete the version I had installed and install a brand new version... for some reason. So I did, and then issues with both the computer in general for several days before a message came up on Thursday saying that there was an error and I needed to do it all over again.

Sort your shit anti-virus company. To be fair, it does seem to have been fine since.

Then I tried to contact them on Thursday for some slightly related reason, and there's no way to just email them... no, you have to do their stupid "automated chat" thing. Which started off saying that there was a high level of demand and it would be 40 minutes before I got to talk to a real person. Over two hours later... and the chat just shut off or otherwise did something. I was doing something in a different window at the time, flicked back and, yeah, nothing.

Again, sort your shit.

Thursday night's DnD was good... my last time running for this particular set of adventures. It wasn't a super excited adventure, but it was fun. And they did well even if it wasn't a super challenging or lethal adventure. They enjoyed themselves, that was the main thing.

Friday was Chiro Day... so off I went into the city, did the chiro thing, came home again.

Then Friday night's DnD was... chaotic. People overthinking things, stupid choices were made... piton were hammered into doorframes, people (meaning me) transformed into bears... and right now, instead of dealing with the preceding three sets of enemies one at a time, we just barrelled on forward, triggering more and more enemies but not dealing with them.

And now we're kind of screwed. I mean, not completely. I've used a single spell at this point and I have ideas about what to do next. But yeah, weird times ahead.

Today was a right off. I slept really badly last night, I woke up a few times and didn't sleep terribly well. So... we went to the supermarket, I got the makings to construct some kind of pasta sauce thing for this week.

Then we came back here, didn't really do fuck all... then Ma went home before it was even noon.

Current mood:

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