
photo saturday: graph paper grief

graph paper grief - husband and son
So... my graph paper husband is dead and my graph paper son was dead, got brought back to life off screen but has lost a leg and two fingers...

Well, I say MY... what I really mean is my Friday night character Quillamina. And thus we have some modified character art to commemorate the occasion. Memorialise? Eulogise? I think commemorate is the right word here honestly.

In any event... one dead and one amputated DnD Character Colouring Book. Yay? More on that later in any event.

And yes, the wheelchair is really only artistic licence because Hero Forge doesn't allow for the removal of legs or the addition of a specific prosthetic leg... not yet anyway.

So, moving on.

I made really basic vegetable soup this week. I didn't want anything heavy, but I did augment it by making myself some bread. Just the regular recipe, but I formed it into two "mini loaves" that ended up sticking together and doing that lovely pull apart thing while in the oven.

Otherwise, a very flat week.

Once again Thursday night's DnD game was on hold... because Player/Host Flatmate Flu became Player/Host Flu. Hopefully we can finally get back to normal this coming week. But we'll see what happens.

Friday night's game... yeah... We took a much needed rest, travelled back to my characters home town, fought a bunch of weird fungus dwarves and then, finally, descended into the mine that gives the town it's name. And found... a lot of dead people. Up to and including my character's husband.

For a second there, I thought it was a two-fer and DM Fluffy had also chosen to wiped out her son. But no... he made it. Barely. And missing his leg below the knee and two of his fingers. Clearly when Fluffy rolled for their fate in the last game, they were not good rolls. I'm sensing some definitely Natural 1, possibly 2, vibes. Like, 5 at the most. But I don't know exactly, because I don't want to know how badly the dice fucked me over. Because, really, it's not important to the story.

So I got a grieving widow scene, I got a traumatised mother scene, I got a rallying the community scene and I got a eulogy scene.

Plus, it seems that my spell from last week that I homebrewed myself did actually save a bunch of people. Or at least get them into the mine earlier and therefore deeper than they would have been before.

But it the midst of all that we got more clues to a wider mystery or rather a mysterious NPC who has shown up now in two dreams and at the side of my dying graph paper son to save his life. Is she the avatar of a god? Is she the softer, gentler aspect of the god who caused the perpetual winter in the first place? Is she a time travelling version of my character from the future? Is she just a really fucking old crazy gnome druid? Is she part of the book or something invented by Fluffy to drive us all crazy? Only time will tell.

It was a big session though... much emotions, many stress.

It was only on the drive home from dropping off Fluffy that I realised that, given the potential subclass I had envisioned for the future version of my graph paper son, what Fluffy had actually done was turn him into Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon with the missing/artificial foot.

And, you know what, not mad at it.

Also, just quietly, I would have been totally okay if he'd killed the kid. As well as the husband, or instead of, honestly. Any variation would have made for great roleplay, so I can't be mad at any of it.

It did lead to me having a moment in the supermarket this morning when I realised they were playing a couple of sad songs back to back, which is all kinds of stupid... but I'm always down to feel the feelings. Even the pretend ones.

The rest of today was... nothing much. We did the supermarket and that was it.

Oh, and by the way, I am aware that this week's post image looks a teeny bit like a really awful 80's album cover.

Current mood:

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